chapter 5 what a dream?

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After we shook hands Aykito said well I got to get my sister home so I'll see you at school tomorrow and took off then I headed home when I got there I went up the stairs.

then open the door then I heard inuma is that you then I said yah mom then she peeked her head around the corner from the kitchen and said inuma do you know anyone by the name lendrick yuko.

Then I said yah he a friend of mine I met the day I move her he taught me how to play Vanguard then my mom said well honey it seems he past away a couple of days ago then I ask what happened then she said he got real sick then she said well apparently he left his card shop to you.

Then I said mom I can't run a a card shop I have school and my friends then my mom said I know dear that why am going to run it for till you are out off school.

Then I ran up to her and hugged her and sad thank you mom thank then she said the shop is the card shop by the way then I said wait it called the card shop you got to be kidding me Mom then she said nope.

Then she said you know since you the owner you can change the name of it if you like dear some I said yah I'll think about it then I went up to my room and got ready for bed the I led down and doze off.

(Dream scape)

When I open my eyes I see this beautiful landscape with mountains rivers valleys and trees and the the creatures that I saw looks just like vanguard cards.

Then my avatar crimson butterfly appeared In front of me telling me that I was on the planet cray then she told me how any battle that happen on earth happens here.

Then I said how am I taking to you then as it looked like I was about to get an answer she slowly faded away.

(Dream ended)

Then I woke up to my alarm going off then is said man that was some weird dream I had then I heard my mom yell inuma are up your going to be late.

Then I got up took a quick shower then I got dress in a my red tank top and blue jeans and put my refresh jean jacket on.

then put my red hair up into a ponytail with my bang over my right eye then I put my black boots on and ran down stairs grab the toast my mom made and said good bye the headed to the school.

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