chapter 19 the call

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After the battle with Kinta  I yell over to minna and said hey minna did you find out if you could come to Tokyo with us.

then she said yah I can then kinta came up and ask were are you going.

then I said I invited them to come with me and the others to tokyo then kinda said so can I come then I said sorry but there not anymore room in the van.

Then kinta look at these and said oh this shop has it own  assistacat.

then kinta ask kisame if she going then she says no she staying her so we can keep the card shop open.

Then I said yah I'll be right back I going to call somebody then I walk out of the shop.

Then I dialed Yuri number

Yuri: hello

Inuma: hey Yuri it me inuma

Yuri: inuma is that really you I haven't hear from you in a couple months so what going on find any cute boys.

Inuma: Yuri really you now relationships ant really  impotent to me well any I'll be come back to Tokyo for a week and am bring a few of my new friends with me to introduce you to them.

Yuri:  really that great I can't wait to see you I'll tell kazuna.

Inuma: oh please don't I want to surprise her so make sure you met us in front of the Conrad ok.

Yuri: ok

Inuma: so Yuri how is everything I saw you and your family on the news last night.

Yuri: oh you saw that.

Aykita yelling inuma hurry up.

Inuma: ok I'll be there in a min.

Yuri: inuma who was that.

Inuma: oh that was one of my friends aykita well I got to go bye Yuri.

Yuri: bye inuma see you tomorrow.

Then after the call I went inside the card shop and saw aykito and max battling and in the end max won.

Then a hour later me and my mom along with jade headed home when we got there I head up stairs to get my suitcase and brought it downstairs.

Then I went back to my room were I found jade on my bed curled up into a ball a sleep then I got in bed a turn on the tv.

Then a few min later I hear my mom yell for me to come downstairs for dinner so I got and turn off my tv and went downstairs and eat dinner.

Then after dinner I I said good night to my mom and headed up stairs and got ready for bed then after I finish getting ready I head to my room and went to bed.

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