Sup Displeased?

406 15 9

Finally! I had already respawn. Inside the Died Cart was really displease. Everything in the cart displeases me. everything in the world displeases me. Even my mother displeases me. I saw Jason running to Ty. Wait................................JASON?!. Okay it displeases me. I displeasingly thought that I had banned him. I walk up to Jason. He turned to me and grinned. "Sup Displeased?" Jason said.

/ban Jason Very Displeased

"Finally! Thank god youre here. Jason was bugging me all day! I hate everyone!" Ty exclaimed. ".........................k......." I muttered.

/ban Ty....ler I hate everyone? Why not I displeased everyone? Gee, what were you thinking?

Finally peace, quiet and humanity. I hear a Skype call. The sound came from..................behind me? I displeasingly turn around to find a derpy squid holding my laptop. "..................................................................K..........". I light the squid on fire.

/ban all derpy squid oh and skype YOU ARE A TITAN!!!!!!!!!!!(which Titan. Eren,Annie or other Titan. If its Eren, then theres the pic) YOU TOO SKYPE!

Suddenly, every youtubers gathered behind me and party. Can this get displeasingly worse?

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