10th displeasing annivesery

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I was displeasingly walking around a random tree when I saw something. Its a girl. She had Hot Pink hair. Hot Pink eyes. Hot Pink dress. Hot Pink makeup. Hot Pink nails. Hot Pink shoes. Hot Pink purse. Oh no.... itssssssss(hey creeper)

Barbie!!!!! Run for your displeasing life!!!

When I had reach to my displeasing home, I open the door and...

'HAPPY DISPLEASINGLY 10TH ANNIVESERY!' Every Youtubers Said. Even my pleased sister. Wait...who escape my pleased sister out of my trap. Oh maybe its the displeasing Setosaucerer who used his pahsta(omaigad so displeasing spelling) sauce on the rope and fly quickly to catch her. So cheesy.

"So displeasing..." I muttered.

Displeased Adam's BALLSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें