Selfie? Killing? Sassy?

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Notch brought Jason and Ty back from the ban world. My displeasing face was like 'EHHHHHH'. Notch told me that I cannot kill them anymore. Just displeasingly imagine that Notch is my displeasing MOTHER and I am a little boy.

Boy(SomuchdispleasingAdam): MOTHER!


Boy(OMGyoushouldknowwhoisthisughhh): CAN I KILL A PERSON??????!!!!!!!


The End(Heh heh The End. Okay Im (NOT) sorry. Back to le displeasing story)

Ughhhhhhhhh. What did I do to have this life? What for displeasing fans? Suddenly Jason leaped on me as if he heard what I was saying. "You are a displeaser. Displeaser cant have fans!" He sassily said. Yup, he displeasingly heard me. Ty get Jason off me. "Let me take a Selfie! I hate everyone!" He took out his phone and take MANY selfies.

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