Them as 'shit my friends and i say' Pt. 5

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"Move out of my seat." -Ka'Liyah
"We don't have assigned seats." -Egypt
"You also don't have an assigned breathing patterns." -Ka'Liyah


*shows shoulder* -me
"Don't do that, I'm gay." -Kayla


"I couldn't tell who you were because of the lack of face." -my math teacher
*gasp* "Jerome!" -me
*gasp* -lilly
Me and lilly: *fucking screams*


*watching a movie*
"get the gun, get the gun!" *gets a gun* "YEEAAAHH!!!!!" -everyone in my English Class
*two guys in the movie kiss*
*cheers* - my English class
"Y'all love violence and gay stuff don't you?" -janeva


"i don't wanna mop the floor... actually it would be more like sweeping, I'm not wet." -lilly
"What? Being chased with demon screeches doesn't get you going?" -me
*sighs* "Not like it used to." -lilly


*danica starts singing a song*
"Excuse me, I was talking-" -Agi
"Ok well no one was listening because YOU ARE IRRELEVANT!!" -danica
Me and lilly: *dies of laughter*

AN: if you couldn't tell, this is all I have left for ideas, I'll try to come up with some new stuff.

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