Field Trip from Hell

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*Aria's P.O.V.*

We finally reached the museum and I was ready to kill. Nancy was pulling my hair and throwing spitballs at my cheek. And when I yelled at her, Mrs. Dodds just smiled and said, "Now honey, one more outburst and you will be my partner." Nancy threw pieces of her sandwich at Grover's head and I knew, Twin instinct, that Percy wanted to kill her too.

So, I just waited for the bus to stop and didn't let Nancy get out from the seat till everyone left. When the bus emptied, I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the bus. I threw her down the steps onto the ground and threw myself on her. Everyone stopped and stared as I sat on top of her and put my face real close to hers.

"The next time you touch me or Grover, I will make you look even worse than you are know. Understand?" I yelled at her. Her eyes widened and she started to nod her head really fast. I screamed at her this time. "UNDERSTAND?!"

She started tearing up, obviously remembering the last time she didn't understand. "Yes, yes I understand." She whimpered. Grover and Percy rushed over and pulled me off of her.

*Percy's P.O.V.*

"What is wrong with you!?" I whisper-yelled at my sister. Grover stood by the side and watched sadly. "What do you mean, Percy?" She muttered. I groaned. "Are you serious!? Every time you beat Nancy up, she beats me and Grover up." She widened her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

"Do you not think about anyone but yourself?" She cowered underneath my death glare. "Yeah, you are tough and beat everyone up. But when they recover, who do you think they go to?" She opened her mouth again. "They go to you and Grover, huh?" I glared at her. "Yes. Yes, they do. They know they can't hurt you, so they come and hurt us. Think about your actions' consequences."

I walked away, leaving her with an gaping mouth and shiny tear-filled eyes. Well, it serves her right. She deserved to know what her actions do and whom they affect. Grover limped towards me and stood in front of me. "Perce," he said. "She feels terrible. She didn't know." I scowled, but on the inside I felt bad. "She should have thought about it. She knows I am on probation and I can't fight back. Everything she does, falls on me because I am the oldest."

Grover leaned on one of his crutches. "Percy, are you sure you are the oldest?" I looked at him sharply. "Well, yeah. Aria acts like a little kid. I do too, but I think I might be the eldest." I looked at his face. "Why?" His chin wobbled slightly. "One slight mistake could mean utter destruction, Perce." I stared at him strangely.

"What are you talking about Grover? Mom doesn't know who is the oldest, but I am pretty sure it's me. I do act like the protective older brother." Grover grabbed my shoulder. "How sure are you? Are you really sure? Percy, you have to tell me how sure you are." His fingers dug into my shoulder. "Ow, dude. Let go!"

All of a sudden the sky grew kinda dark and Grover let me go, terrified. I rubbed my aching shoulder and gave him a death glare. "You really are worked up, you know?" He just looked at me with these wide, sad eyes. I looked away and waited a while. When I looked at him again, he was still staring at me with those eyes.

I finally relented and sighed. "I hate it when you look at me with those eyes." He smiled, knowing the worse was behind us. "You should at least apologize to Aria. She feels terrible."

I looked over to where she was sitting. She was by the water fountain, staring at the water swirl and make rainbows. She looked thoughtful and sad. She was my other half, my built-in best friend. I wouldn't be anything without her. I walked over to her but was blocked by Nancy Bobofit.

"Where do you think you are going, punk?" Nancy spat in my face, sneering stupidly. I looked at her ugly face and said, "I was going to talk to my sister but then I was blocked by a boulder." She looked at me blankly and then her face twisted into an angry snarl.

"Are you calling me fat, Jackson?" She grabbed me by the shoulders and gripped them tightly. "Well, if the size fits, wear it." I smiled. She snarled and was about to throw me and everything happened so fast.

I saw Aria looking and she was ready to stand up, I got angry that she thought I couldn't defend myself. All of a sudden, I felt a tugging sensation in my gut, and then the water fountain just exploded! The water hit me and Nancy full on and next thing I knew, Nancy was in the fountain and she was sputtering.

Wasn't she just next to me? Now she is in a water fountain. Mrs. Dodds came over and she comforted Nancy and promised to get her new clothes from the museum gift shop. She and her friends were all crying and swearing.

Aria came over to me and asked, "You okay?" I nodded, shocked. "Did that really just happen?" I asked. "Yeah. Nancy swears you pushed her in, but I don't think so." She frowned. "Did you?" I groaned. "No! I didn't! I swear on Mom's blue pancakes." Aria smiled. "Okay, I believe you."

Mrs. Dodds came over and grabbed me and Aria. "You two are in trouble now. Follow me, honeys." Aria and I stuttered. "Aria didn't-" "-do anything wrong!" Mrs. Dodds smiled. "Of course not." she said sarcastically. She turned around and walked to the museum doors.

I heard whispers. "Did you see that?"

"-it was like-"

"-the water grabbed her-"

We looked over to find Mrs. Dodds, but she was already at the doors. How did she get there so fast?

*Aria's P.O.V.*

Wow. Nancy got what she deserved, but I swear the water grabbed her. I was looking right at her and Percy and I got really mad. Then I felt a weird tugging on my gut and then the fountain exploded. Was it my fault? Did I do this to Nancy? We had already finished the museum tour and we were outside eating, and we already got in trouble. Somehow, this was my fault. I know it was. I just don't know what happened. Percy said he didn't push her. And I believe him.

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