Three Old Women Knit the Socks of Doom

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*Aria's P.O.V.*

We went back to the Academy, and went to go eat. I stayed with Percy and looked around for her, listening for her annoying laugh, her smile. Apparently, she never existed. Percy said, "She must have been real. Right?" I sighed and shrugged. "You know what, Perce? I don't even know anymore. I don't even know."

He sighed and looked around. I did too. Who wouldn't lie? Who was a horrible liar? Suddenly, Percy and my eyes settled on Grover, who was eating an enchilada a table next to us. We looked at him for a bit and turned to each other. I smiled slowly and so did Percy. We rushed of the table and ran towards Grover, smiling happily.

*Percy's P.O.V.*

Yes! How did I not see it? Grover is the worst liar in the planet! I mean he is my best friend, maybe my only friend, but I have to be honest. Right? He would tell us the truth, or at least the twisted version he believes in. Me and Ari ran towards Grover, and he looked up. He saw us running and widened his eyes, whispering to himself and put his hands in his soup and splashed it around so it rippled.

I looked at him weirdly and we both sat down on each sides of him. We stared at him and then I spoke. "Look, G-Man. We gotta ask you something and you need to be honest with us." Grover started shuffling and his eye started twitching. "Um, well, guys. I know you wanna know some things, but I umm... I have to go." he got up quickly and I looked at Aria. She nodded and we put a hand on his shoulders and pushed him back onto the seat.

"Listen here, Grover." Aria said menacingly. She scares me a lot... sometimes. "We want to know the truth about Dodds. And you are going to tell us why everyone is lying."

Grover started twitching more and more and put his shirt to his mouth. "Wh-Wh-What are you talking about, Aria?" He said. But I noticed he hesitated before he said anything and he was now twitching even more. "Um, Ari? Grover is like, scared out of his mind." I said to my sister, grabbing her arm.

She narrowed her eyes at me and let go of Grover. I shook my head. "Grover, come on. Tell us the truth." Grover stared at me with those big eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Perce."

*Couple weeks later*

*Aria's P.O.V.*

Weeks passed and we are no closer to finding out who the hell Mrs. Dodds was. We were so obsessed and angry, our grades started falling. Mr. Brunner looked at us with those old and intelligent eyes, disappointed. Later, Nancy stole my stuff from our dorm and I flipped out on her. I- No.

I can't tell you what I did to her. But I can say that when Percy stepped in while Nancy's boyfriend tried to punch me, the headmaster called our mom and said we wouldn't be invited to Yancy after this year. Good Riddance.

*Percy's P.O.V.*

It was almost the end of the year and me and Aria aren't allowed to come back to Yancy. I wasn't sorry, but I was upset. I wouldn't see Mr. Brunner and his wacky test days in Latin. I wouldn't see Grover no more, my best friend. What if Nancy tortures him even more?

I sigh. I might as well get dressed for the party. I have to enjoy myself, don't I? I guess I'll plan my outfit with Aria. She will get so annoyed if our outfits clash or if she is remembered as the sister of the horrible dresser.

*Aria's P.O.V.*
I wear

 at the party. I can't wait! I have to be completely perfect. I am not vain or conceited, I have ADHD, depression, anxiety, and COD. Everything must either be perfect or my way. I start to look through some of the clothes I bought Percy and I came up with a good party outfit.

 This outfit is perfect for him! I sigh. I am so awesome.

*Percy's P.O.V.*

So the party was okay. I danced by myself and shot hoops. Aria went and danced with some of the upperclassmen and then got bored. She came up to me, complimented me on the outfit she chose, and dragged me to the dance floor. I don't know who she got her dancing from, because I surely didn't get the gene. I smile. This is going to be the perfect last week for me and Ari.

I hold Aria because her heels are hurting her. How can girls wear those things? We stop in front of Mr. Brunner's class to say goodbye, and all of a sudden, we hear him talking to Grover. Aria and I frown (It's a twin thing) and know it isn't right to eavesdrop, but our curiosity gets the better of us when we hear our names pop up. "...worried about Percy and Aria, sir." 

We lean in and hear their voices; Grover's agitated one and Mr. Brunner's calm one. "...alone in the school. I mean, a Kindly One in the school?"

Mr. Brunner said, "

*Author's Note*

Okay, Cant finish because Spanish doesn't have an outlet and my laptop is dying, will continue LATER!!!

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