Chapter 1

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I Do Not Own Marvel.

Time Setting is somewhere in the early 2000's before Iron Man(2008).

Carol's POV*

I was informed by Nova Prime that there was a Kree ship called 'The Eradicator' flying around the galaxy destroying world's that don't agree to be part of The Kree Empire. So I acquired a Ravager ship and am now in root to take down 'The Eradicator' before more worlds are lost.

(Y/N)'s POV*

I felt like my life was literally being drained out of me. But what can you do when you're literally a Celestial Battery.

I feel dead inside and outside do to the round the clock torture after being used as a Celestial Battery around the clock.

The Captain of the ship, Yon-Rogg certainly doesn't help when he enters my cell with his goons and tortures me with very sharp weapons and the occasional punching and kicking. Yon-Rogg's nowhere near as bad as when Thanos tortured me but it's still pretty bad all things considered.

The tortures gotten to the point where even my 'Healing Factor' can't keep up and I now have permanent scars all over my body.

Carol's POV*

I landed on 'The Eradicator' covertly and entered the inside of the ship sneakily then I started sneaking around. Imagine my surprise when I some how found Yon-Rogg on board.

He was mumbling something about the power core needing time to rest but not too much time.

I sneaked off wondering what there power core was if it wasn't Light Speed Engine. But I decided to push that back a bit as I decided to take a detour before going to the power core.

I opened a nearby door only to find blood spattered along the walls and floor.

I said "Well that doesn't look good.".

Yon-Rogg said "Quite, Vers.".

I turned to see Yon with a squad of Kree soldiers. 

I turned and said "Hey Yon, can't talk, on this super important mission to destroy a ship... oh what was it called again... oh yeah. 'The Eradicator'. So I'm not in the mood for chit chat.".

Yon said "Well, I can't let you do that, Vers.".

I said "First; My name is Carol, Two; You can't stop me, Three; How did this turn out for you last time?, and Four; How will this end any differently for you?".

He smirked and said "Well last time it was one on one, and now it's twenty on one.".

All the Kree soldiers aimed there blasters at me.

I nodded and confidentially said "Well that's still not fair enough for you.".

Yon got triggered and yelled "Fire!".

They fired at me but I blasted at them too.

After a bit they all ended up on the ground.

I walked over to Yon and sarcastically said "Well, this was fun Yon, we should do it more often.".

Yon tried to stop me but I lightly blasted him before flying off to the power core.

I blasted the door down. I looked up at the power core to see a girl laying down in a containment bubble with energy exiting her and flowing through cables that lead in multiple directions.

I blasted the bubble which caused an explosion of energy.

The lights flickered as the ship switched to it's emergency back up power.

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