Chapter 4

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The Next Morning*

(Y/N)'s POV*

I partially woke up and feeled around the bed for Carol but I didn't find her.

I opened my eyes and pulled the covers over me and got out of bed.

I found a note left by Carol saying that she'd be back as soon as she could.

I smiled and got dressed in my new regular clothes and went outside to the ship Carol left for me.

I piloted the ship to Contraxia where they sell the best booze and stuff.

I landed the ship and locked it up as I got to looking around.

A Few Hours Later*

I acquired all the supplies I would need for a few weeks so I decided to spend some time at the Iron Lotus bar.

I ordered a drink then took my seat and got disgusted by all the men with the female androids.

I took a drink of my beer.

After I finished up my beer I started to head back to my ship.

While on the way back to the ship I was surrounded by 10 men.

One of them drunkenly said "Hey babe you look lonely, why don't you come with us.".

I said "Nah.".

I started to walk away but one of them grabbed my arm.

He said "I wasn't asking.".

I used my 'Emotion Manipulation' to make the 10 men tear each other apart in a fit of rage I caused them to have.

I whistled as I walked away from them and to my ship.

I took my leave of Contraxia and headed back to Planet 0269-S.

I unloaded the supplies and set them in my kitchen.

I sat down on my porch and watched the sunset of a very ungrateful universe.

A Few Weeks Later*

I saw Carol flying down from the upper atmosphere.

I got up and started running towards her.

She landed in front of me and hugged me.

I pulled away and she kissed me.

She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I opened my mouth and she forced her tongue in my mouth. 

After a few seconds she pulled away.

I excitedly said "It's so good to see you again Carol!".

She smiled and said "It's only been a few weeks (Y/N).".

I said "I know but I missed you.".

We spent a few days exploring the planet.

When we got back to the house I constructed Carol asked "(Y/N), would you like to see where I come from?".

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Yes.".

We left Planet 0269-S on my ship and she took me to a planet called Earth.

We landed and were met by men and women aiming guns our ship.

I stepped out of the ship with Carol.

I used my 'Pyrokinesis' to summon fire to my hand.

Carol put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her and she said "It's okay.".

I put the fire out and stood there quietly.

Carol's POV*

Nick Fury asked "Danvers, how have you been? And uh, who's your friend?".

I said "Oh, Fury this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Nick Fury.".

He offered a hand to (Y/N) and she shook his hand.

I asked Fury to show (Y/N) around Earth while I visited Maria Rambeau.

She was skeptical to go with Nick but I convinced her he was a good man.

1 Week Later*

(Y/N)'s POV*

Me and Nick were driving with to a place called 'Miami'.

When I saw the city I said "I'll be back.".

Nick asked "Where are you going?".

I said "I'm going to explore for a bit.".

He asked "Well how are you-?" as I 'Teleported' out into the city.

I walked around meeting so many people until I met this really weird genius guy named Tony Stark or whatever along with his militant friend Rhodey.

I told Tony I like women only and he seem to have understood.

Tony somehow dragged me to a bar where the booze was actually good. We lost Rhodey along the way but we didn't mind.

Me and Tony were surrounded by a lot of beautiful women.

We fist bumped and enjoyed ourselves with some really horrible music, great drinks, and a lot of women.

Tony gave me a card with his number on it as some of the women dragged him away.

After a bit I blacked out.

A Day Later*

I woke up when I heard Nick Fury say "(Y/N)! I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut.".

I had a major migraine but I looked down at the road to see Nick with some lady and guy.

I teleported down and Nick handed me a bottle of pills.

I asked "What are these for?".

He said "There to help with the migraine.".

I said "Thanks." as I popped the lid off and took 2 of the pills.

I got in the back seat and the guy took a seat next to me while the lady and Nick sat in the front and started driving.

I asked "Nick who are these two?".

Nick said "This is Maria Hill and Phil Coulson.".

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