Chapter Sixteen: March 2nd 2017

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Alister P.O.V

I pulled True further into my chest, cradling him carefully, keeping myself aware of all his injuries. It was a whole lot worse on his back, considering all the flogger marks that the sick bastard had repeatedly beat him with. It made me red with anger. The moment that I was able to get out of this awfully put together mafia base, True was going to find himself being looked after by my best medical advisors. A hospital was kind of a no-go for me, but if it got bad enough then I'd take him there but I trust the doctors that I pay thousands for.

True groaned a little in my arms, moving a little before he rolled slightly, and rested his head further into my chest. I would have cooed if it weren't for how injured he was. I need to get him out of here now.

I walked down the hallway, going the way I had come, listening as the gunshots sounded louder as we got closer to where all the fighting was taking place. Well, it was less fighting and more like my men brutely killing the enemy but it was for a great cause, I'd do anything to get True back, murder was just one thing that I had at my fingertips. It was also the easiest thing that I could do to get him back. He deserved to be safe in my arms, protected. I wasn't going to let him down again. I was going to protect him until my last breath.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead gently as I continued to walk towards the shooting. Anyone else would have run away from the firing of guns but the only exit that I was aware of was the ones that me and my men had come through. This mafia base was like a maze as far as I knew. I knew True, he wasn't someone who would just give up and allow himself to remain trapped in the hands of the enemy. If he's met Eliez, which I don't doubt he has, he'd probably try to get away as quickly as he could. I couldn't imagine what he went through while trapped in this base, other than the visible markings on his back.

We finally arrived back at the room, I saw Finn shooting multiple times, my other men doing the same, the same since I had left it, except for the fact that many of the enemies men were lying dead on the ground. A couple of my men laid dead as well, which was an unfortunate thing but casualties were a possibility, they knew that when they came into this building, this base of the enemy. It was impossible for them to be able to dodge every bullet fired back at them and I knew that we came here that I'd lose some of my most loyal men but it was all worth it. It would have been better if no one had to die but it was clear by the way they took True, it was clear from the moment that bastard took True that there was going to be bloodshed.

I walked over to Finn who glanced over at me before glancing down at the treasure that I had retrieved. He smiled and nodded at me. I glanced around at the people who laid dead on the ground, sadly not seeing Eliez's dead body. I see that he wants to play a game of cat and mouse, hide and seek, and I would end that game just as quickly, with a bullet in between his head.

I call my men to leave, the firing of guns stopping as we all retreated back to the vehicles we had come in, I climbed into the vehicle, I entered carefully as to not jostle True to much, I didn't want to accidentally hurt him more then he already is. I slowly brushed a strand of True's hair back, looking at his beautiful face.

Everything about True was perfect. The way he smiled, even though he doesn't end up smiling very often. The way his eyes shimmered when he was passionate about something. How defensive he got when he thought someone was threatening someone he loves. His hair. His height. His will. His brain. His . . . everything. He is my everything now.

I smiled down at him, pulling my forgotten phone out of my pocket and urgently calling the doctors back at my mansion to get ready for us since we'd be back very soon. I didn't wait for them to reply. I looked up at over at the driver, who happened to be Finn.

"Your good?" I asked. I didn't see Finn with an injury but he was my best friend, I need to make sure he's okay. I don't know what I would do if he got hurt. I know that makes it sound like I don't care about the men who died because I did. I simply cared more about Finn then them. He was my best friend. Those men were guys who signed their lives over to me without me forcing them to. They signed their loyalty over to me.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking," He replied. I smiled at that. I was glad he was okay and now it was time to that this one home and make him okay too. I pulled True up slightly so that his face wasn't in my chest so that it was in my neck instead. I wanted him to be as comfortable as he could regardless of the fact that he was unconscious, I wanted him to wake up comfortable, safe, and warm.

I hug True closer to me, making myself remember that he was in my arms, and not still trapped in the hands of Eliez. One of my biggest fears was that I wouldn't ever be able to get him back. That I wouldn't be able to save him.

But I did, I saved him from Eliez. Now all I had to do was help him get past all of it.  

Late is what this is and I'm sorry, schools finally out, no more finals, no more stress. :)

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