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          "You don't talk much, you know that?" he says. She merely looks at him, so he continues. "Is there a reason for that?"

          She makes the hand shrug gesture again. "Difficult tongue," she answers. For the first, time Asher notices a slight accent in her voice. It sounds as if her voice would rather be singing than speaking.

          "You speak a different tongue?" She nods. He remembers back to his house, where Saman had mentioned "her kind." "Do you have a people, then? Other people like you?"

          She stops walking and he realizes they've come to the top of a large hill. From it they can see over the treetops, and south to the land beyond the forest. Asher recognizes the house and fields of his farm, much smaller than he would have expected. He didn't realize just how far they'd gone. A narrow road runs from the farm to the settlement far in the distance, and a river curls across the land to the west. May sits down on the grass and looks sadly up at him.

          "Used to," she says. "No more."

The Unending Epic Written to Appease a Friend, Tell a Tale, an...Where stories live. Discover now