Part 16

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Lord Artis started gathering an army from all the lords. Every Lord sent as many men as they could spare. Lord Artis was now the commander of the force to help any lord who is under attack. He only had half numbers as Brett's but under his command he could do some serious damage. Lord Clive could not feed another army but every Lord sent food and tents with his men so he did not have any problem hosting all the soldiers. Lord Philip was receiving food from his valley for his army. Lord Artis was sitting with Lord Clive and Lord Philip in Lord Clive's throne room. A servant came and said

"My Lord, some soldiers from grassy plains have arrived, they say they have an important message for Lord Artis"

Lord Artis looked at Renald who was standing beside him. He walked out with the servant. After sometime he walked in with his face showing a lot of happiness. Lord Artis noticed but then he saw soldiers coming in behind him and he understood what was the cause. Theia was walking in between the soldiers. They came in front of the throne and Lord Clive said.

"What message do you bring soldier?"

Soldiers looked at Theia. She came forward and said

"I have the message for Lord Artis"

Lord Artis nodded and she started telling all the situation happening in the forest. After getting arrested by Jonald's men, she was brought in front of Jonald and she told him everything. He sent soldiers with her to get her to Lord Artis that if she was not recognized by Lord Artis they were to arrest her and bring her back. At first no one believed her except for Renald and Lord Artis but then she had to remove her scarf which convinced them a little but Lord Clive still did not believe. He said that her ears could be pointy by a disability from birth. Lord Artis had to take her side and had to tell that she was first captured from Forest by one of his investigating "Officers". Renald signaled her to not to say anything by his eyes. Lord Clive still did not believe it but after Lord Artis believing her completely, he showed a little interest. Lord Philip suggested to contact "Balance" immediately but Theia told them they wanted to ambush them which seemed to them a good idea because soldiers would not go into the forest and now someone was fighting in the Forest for them. Theia was Lord Artis special guest and was given a room in the castle because if they needed to contact Balance then they would need Theia here. She agreed and Renald was put in charge for looking after her.

At Brett's castle, Red was getting prepared to attack another valley. His men were putting on their armors and Brett was giving them instructions. Red came near them and nodded to soldier. Soldiers started yelling commands to others for moving out and staying low. Brett told Red

"Atlan spoke with me"


"His ogres are getting attacked in the Forest, they will be late to come to our aid"


"Yeah, may be grassy plains army"

"I doubt that, Blue Forest is a very dangerous place and now ogres are also lurking there"
"Well, we will see about them but right now you we need our fear to spread. As soon as i attack from front you provide the distraction and General Fisher will handle the rest"

Red nodded and walked towards his men. Whole army was getting ready to march. There plan was to attack the third valley head on. But this Lord was experienced and had a large army. Plan was that Brett will attack and after the attack Red will provide a distraction by attacking their castle but they would be expecting that. So when they take counter measures, their whole strategy will be revealed and then General Fisher who was a general in Brett's army will be doing a third attack from their right side. Providing the surprise element. At the next dawn, Brett met the enemy Lord at the battle field. After the attack Red attacked the castle and retreated quick because of the large number of soldiers protecting the castle. They were waiting for General Fisher's attack. After a while many riders showed up from right but these were not in the number General Fisher had. They went straight in to the lines of enemies but instead of attacking they took formation with them. Brett recognized their colors. It was not his army and they were wearing Lord Artis colors. Something went wrong. Brett ordered his army to retreat because he could not took much damage as he wanted to reserve his army and if he tried to take this castle he would receive much damage. His army retreated as their heart burns by the chants of the enemy soldiers. In the retreat, they received Fisher's messenger which told that they were attacked by Lord Artis and took a lot of damage. Brett ordered him to come back to the castle as fast as possible and also to avoid any more fight. After reaching the castle, he took an overview and estimated that he did not took a lot of damage as Fisher pulled back his forces at reasonable time. Then he found out that Red and his men never made it to castle. This was a problem. Bryte took some men to find out if they were killed. That whole night, Brett stayed awake, strengthening his defenses, he knew his father and his military strategy. He could think that Brett lost a lot of men and could attack this castle. He was also relaxed because he did not took much damage. At next dawn, Bryte came back with Red. He was unconscious and was wounded badly. Bryte told Brett that by looking at the landscape, he could say that Lord Artis's riders came from around the castle and attacked Red and his men. Only five or six men survived including Red. Red was quickly took care of and medics were looking after him. This was very bad for Brett. Lord Artis had his own army and his experience in battle was far more than anyone including Lord Philip. After that day, he received a news from his home valley that, Lord Artis riders were spotted and chased but they got away. Brett decided to have a meeting with his Generals.

At Lord Clive castle, Lord Philip was feeling down because Lord Artis single handedly stopped an attack with a lot less men then enemy and Lord Artis was feeling down because Brett got away. But some of his men told that they killed all of the castle raiding party of Brett. They could not confirm who was leading them but it was a good news. Lord Clive's sent some men to recon Lord Artis's home and they told them their defense was tight. They could not get close and got chased. Both sides were now waiting for the next day to see what happens next. Now, Lord Artis was knocking on the door of Theia's room.

He was with Renald who always got nervous around her. Theia opened. She looked very beautiful and stunning in proper dress. Lord Artis could only imagined Renald feelings. HE asked

"Hello Theia, can i have a word?"

Theia nodded and opened her door. They all walked in. Lord Artis sat on the chair and Renald stood beside him while Theia sat on the bed. HE spoke

"How are you?"
"I am very good, i heard you won today"

"Well a battle"

"It is a start"

"it is, anything you find inconvenient?"

"Not at all, people are very nice, they get surprised at first when seeing me"

"Well nobody seen an elf here"

Theia smiled a little. Lord Artis spoke again

"i think Renald has explained the situation with me employing Red"

"Yes, he told me that Red was the only guy willing to come in the Forest"
"indeed, and you now his profession will make many problems for me here"

"I know but he can not hurt anyone now"

"How do you know?"

"He came back from the deep forest, wounded pretty bad and could not even move"

"You killed him?"

"i was about to, but killing a helpless man did not felt right so i left him there to be eaten by animals"

"He is alive and commanding my Son's army"

Theia's heart pounded.

"Impossible, he could not even open his eyes and no one can get out of the forest in his condition"

Lord Artis stood up

"Well then, i am sorry to hold you in this castle but you are our only source if we have to contact BALANCE"

"Not at all, i am enjoying this life"
"IF you need anything just tell Renald"

"I will"

Lord Artis walked out with Renald. They both walked silently then Renald spoke

"She walked around camp yesterday"


"Soldiers were staring "

Lord Artis stopped his laughter, he said

"Make a list, we will get their eyes plucked out"

Renald understood the sarcasm. He spoke again

"I just meant that..."
"Come on Renald, don't be such a baby. She can do whatever she wants. She is my guest and has done a great job providing the information she provided and as for the soldiers, they have never seen such a beauty. You want her then talk to her"

Renald remained silent .

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