• (O) Laxus Dreyar x Sad!Reader

175 26 8

I Don't Believe It - Pt. 2

Word Count: 1214

Your POV

You winced as you began to open your eyes. You were in a white room, and the light and brightness in the atmosphere were stabbing at your eyeballs.

"Reader! She's awake! Someone call the Nurse!"

As your eyes adjusted, you looked around the room weakly. Lucy, Natsu and Happy were in the room.

"What.. What happened..?" You croak out weakly, slowly sitting yourself up.

Lucy helped you, her eyes still full of concern.

"You passed out in the middle of the market. We were really scared something had happened to you! Also, you need to eat. The doctor told us you haven't been eating—"

"He lied. I HAVE been eating. I'm fine." You cut Lucy off and tried to take the tubes injected into you, but Lucy wasn't allowing it.

"Reader, stop. The doctor did a full-body analysis on you. You can't lie yourself out of here. You're staying here until you're strong enough to leave, and you'll eat." Lucy said in a firm voice, which scared you a bit.

"Full body analysis?! This was done against my will, and I'm sure it's illegal! I'm not staying here a second longer! I HATE Doctors!" You glare at Lucy, still fighting her grip off your hands.

"Well, that's just hurtful." A voice said from behind you.

You turn around and see a man in his mid-40s holding a check-board. He had grey hair, a small mustache, and a name tag that read 'Gary'.

"Please, Ms. Reader, you must remain here so we can nurse you back to health. Your immune systems are incredibly weak and cannot function if you do not allow us to help you." Gary said, setting his check-board down on a nearby table.

"I don't care! I'm perfectly fine; you can't force me to be here. I. KNOW. MY. RIGHTS." You said before shoving Lucy off entirely and reaching to turn the machines off.

As you reached out, a bigger, more firm hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you from doing so. You snarled softly and looked up at the person who had done so, your eyes widening in shock.


For a second, you were in a trance. Laxus was finally home and right there in front of you. You almost forgot about what you saw. Almost.

"Please. Stop. You need to—" You cut him off by pushing him away from you and proceeding to yank the tubes off of you, one by one.

They all stung a bit when you did so, but it was nothing compared to the pain of having Laxus so close to you yet so far away.

"Reader!" Laxus grabbed your wrist once more.

You went to slap his hand away, but your hand collided with his face instead. It was no accident, of course. He deserved it. At least, you thought so.

"Don't touch me ever again." You say in a low voice and rip off the last tube, hopping off the bed.

You stumbled a bit, causing everyone to rush to your side, but you put your hand up for them to stay away. You held onto the bed and steadied yourself before stepping out of the room in shaky steps.

Laxus followed you, carrying a bag with your clothes since you were still in your hospital dress.

"Reader, please! Talk to me! What's happening with you?!" He followed behind you.

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