• (O) Gajeel Redfox x Reader

106 24 16

Not Ready For This

Word Count: 887


Your POV

You sigh softly as you sit in the guild, tapping your foot in boredom.

Mira looked at you and smiled.

"What's wrong, Reader? You seem upset."

"I'm bored..!!" You whined, slumping in your chair.

"Is it because Gajeel's not here?~" Mira teased, and your cheeks turned pink.

"N-No! He's on a mission with Juvia. He said he won't be back for a bit." You sigh, not realizing the pout you were making.

Mira just smiles at you. She knew about your feelings for him—it was quite obvious to her. However, you didn't know about these feelings yourself. You're very oblivious to hints, even hints you give yourself.

"Hey, Mira, what do you think Gajeel's favourite colour is?" You say out of nowhere, staring off into space.

"Why do you ask?" She chuckles softly in amusement.

"I don't know, it just popped into my head. I mean, he seems like the type of person to like dark colours, but what if he's one of those people that you think they're all dark all the time, but then they're actually—"

"So you've been thinking about him a lot?"

"I guess..?"

Mira sighed in devastation.

"Goddamn Reader! How are you this dense?!" Natsu shouted over to you from his table.

"Yes. I'm going to have to agree with Natsu. It seems very obvious to everyone but you." Ezra nodded.

"Yeah. Flamebrain's got a good point for once. You're being a little too oblivious right now." Gray sighed.

"Guys, Guys! Relax! Maybe this is Reader's first time feeling like this. You never know!" Wendy told them.

"Yeah! Reader's our precious and innocent little angel. We gotta break it down for her gently." Lucy added.

You watched as the entire guild broke into arguments. You looked at Mira.

"What are they even arguing about..?" You whisper to her.

The entire guild stops and looks at you. Your sweat drops, and you suddenly feel nervous under all their stares.

"About your feelings for Gajeel! You like him!" Happy shouted to you in frustration.

"What?! Who likes Gajeel?!"

"YOU DO!!!" The entire guild shouts at you.

You fell backwards on your chair from shock, and everyone shook their heads at you.

"What?! Me?! Like Gajeel?! No way!!" You tell them as you struggle to get up.

"You're always thinking about him."

"And talking about him."

"And talking to him."

"And training with him."

"And laughing with him."

"And you guys share food without me!"

"You get upset when he's not with you."

"You're always asking people questions about him to know him better."

"You don't like being without him."

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