• (O) Child!Gildarts Clive x Child!Reader

166 25 10

Not Strong Enough - Pt. 1

Word Count: 1336


Your POV

You smile as you watch your crush, Gildarts Clive, train.

He was trying hard to control his powers, and his determination in his eyes was inspiring.

Not many 10-year-olds really cared about their powers just yet. Sure, they found it cool that they could use magic, but they didn't have the desire to seek their full potential on a battlefield.

They didn't have that kind of mindset at the moment. They only thought about how many cool tricks they could do with their magic.

Not Gildarts.

Gildarts was different, which is why you had the biggest crush on him. He wasn't like the other kids who tried to impress you with a fireball or an ice sculpture. He was mature and had a higher level of sophistication. Sometimes.

You liked how he could be serious and strict at one time but funny and childish at another. He made everything fun, no matter what it was.

"Hey! Reader!"

The way he suddenly called out to you snapped you out of your trance. You get up from where you were sitting and run over to him.

"Yeah?" Your eyes met his, and he smiled cheekily, turning your cheeks pink.

"Watch this!" He turned around and quickly destroyed a giant tree to bits.

You watch with wide eyes, gasping softly in amazement.

"Wow.." You just stare at where the tree used to be, making Gildarts chuckle.

"Took a lot of time and effort, but it sure did pay off, huh?" He wiped the sweat off his forehead.

You smiled at him and nodded.

"That was so cool! Teach me how to do that!" You jumped up and down in excitement.

Gildarts laughed softly and put his hand on your head.

"Alright! Alright!" He gently took your hand and led you to an open field.

"First thing's first, you need to relax and meditate."

"You're joking, right?" You stared at him in disbelief.

"Nope. The master told me that I have to be able to control my emotions before I can control my powers. Acting out of emotions is bad enough; think of what would happen if I acted on my emotions with magic." He shuddered.

"Oh, well, when you put it that way.." You sit down with your legs crossed.

Gildarts sat in front of you.

"Close your eyes. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth," he said, and you did as he instructed.


"Gildarts!" You called out, running after him.

He stopped and turned around to look at you.

"Oh! Hey, Reader." He smiled.

"Where are you going?" You asked.

"I have to go get a gift for someone I really like. Wanna come?"

Your heart sank at his words.

"Oh, no, that's okay. I promised Mira I would go help her clean. Are we still going to train later?" You look at him, hopefully.

Gildarts made a face full of disappointment and guilt, and you already knew the answer.

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