Chapter 5

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Peter Parker Pov

I walked inside the Tower, with deep under eye bags. I just wanted to pick up my stuff, because I would already be away in a short time, because of the academic decathlon. We would drove to Washington, just like last year but it would be different this time because MJ would be our leader. 

I pushed the door open and walked up the following stairs. Vision greeted me friendly, just like always. The other Avengers weren't there that day, or they just didn't saw or heard me. I walked quickly to my room but stopped walking in front of her door. I slowly put my hand on the doorknob and pushed it a little bit down. I shook my head and started walked towards my room. I walked down the hall, with my heavy backpack. The doorknob of Abbigail moved down a little bit. 

"Hello? I think I'm slowly dying because of boredom", a soft voice said behind the door. 

I couldn't help but grin, but I still thought about her inside that small room. I walked fast inside the kitchen and took the key of Abigails room. Mr. Stark once told me where it was, because a few weeks ago, I was the one that needed to take care of her. Without thinking, I turned the key inside the lock and opened the door. A shocked Abigail looked me in the face. Her eyes were shining and you could tell that she was surprised, happy but also angry. She let her breath out as I smiled at her.

"Nice to see you again, Parker", she said and smirked.

She walked towards me, her arms crossed. I looked at her, up and down and she cleared her throat. I looked her in the face, with my eyebrow lifted and my head a little bit tangled. 

"Where were you", she asked.

She looked angry and I swallowed. 

"I needed to go. I had... homework", I said and I almost gave myself a facepalm 

She also lifted an eyebrow and looked at me suspicious. Like she should. That was a really bad excuse. 

"Bucky said you two had a fight. You and Stark. Because of me", she said and my eyes widened. 

Bucky? Why Bucky? He had nothing to do with all this and why did he even tell her that?

"Bucky? What are you doing with Bucky?", I asked and crossed my arms as well in front of my chest. 

"Oh come on, don't play the jealous boyfriend now!", she said and smirked again. 

"Jealous boyfriend? I'm sorry, but I wasn't the one that looked so relieved when I entered the room. Relieved because you finally have your Peter back", I joked and opened my arms.

"Oh, forget that, Spiderman", she said and hit my arms jokefully. 

I pouted and put my hands in my pockets. 

"The things between me and Stark is none of your business", I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"It's about me, so i'ts my right to know about it!", she said. 

"You don't need to know everything, Gabs", I said and turned around to the door. 

"Gabs?", she asked and I looked at her again. 

"Your new nickname, Gabs", I grinned.

"Are you going to leave me alone again?", she asked. 

I turned around slowly and I could swear that I saw hurt in her eyes for a few seconds. I sighed and walked towards her. 

"I need to go to the academic decathlon in Washington, but I'll be back soon", I said.

Her eyes shined for a few seconds. I frowned and I tilted my head.

"What?", I asked.

She shook her head and said: ,,I used to be at the academic decathlon as well, with my school. It was really fun and I wanted to go again this year, but well... won't work out i guess".

She sighed and fell down on her bed. She ran her skinny hands through her long, brown hair and I sat down next to her. I smiled at her.

"You know that we don't want to make you feel bad?", I said and took her hand, out of reflex. She froze for a second, but then she relaxed. 

"Just tell us where your father is, so we can save Pepper. You could still go to the decathlon and maybe we would see each other there", I said and I pressed her hand a little bit.

She snatched herself from my hand and stood up, with an horrified look on her face. 

"Leave", she said and turned her back to me.

I sighed and stood up. Before I closed the door, I turned around to Abigail and looked at her.

"Take care of yourself, Gabs", I said and closed the door. 

Abigail Pov.

"Take care of yourself, Gabs", he said and closed the door.

I ran my hand through my hair. What was he thinking?

Memories flashed through my mind:

"And the Stuyvesant High School won the academic decathlon!". Everyone clapped and we did as well and ended the happy experience with a group hug. Jonas ran his hand softly over my arm. A shiver went down my spines and he grinned. As we ended the hug and left the stage, someone pulled me away from the others. "You were fantastic!", Jonas said and smiled. "Thank you", I whispered and turned away. I probably looked like a tomato. He took my chin between his fingers and turned my face to his. He smiled, knowing that he literally drove me crazy. 

I tried not to scream, as I massaged my temples. I had an horrible head ache and everything started to spin. 

I smiled while I entered the school. I would finally see Jonas again! We haven't seen us since the academic decathlon. I started to smile again, when I thought about his touches. Totally lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry", I said and looked up. Blue eyes scanned my face. My cheeks flushed and I brushed my hair behind my ear. I smiled at Jonas, but the smile disappeared really fast, as I saw two skinny arms wrapping around his waist and a girl giving him a long kiss. 

I tumbled back and tried to hold onto my bed edge. I screamed and slid down on the floor. I blinked a few times, until I saw nothing. Only black. 

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