Chapter 2.

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Going to school with no sleep at all is probably the worst idea at all. I can feel my eyes throbbed since all I did last night was bawl my eyes out. I'm not really in the mood to attend school but I can't skip because Kelsey will think that she won, I won't let her thank that way and I need good grades for applying scholarship in college.

I just want to curl up on my bed and watch Netflix all day—oh and while eating pizza. Yup, buy me a pizza and we will be friends forever.

I hopped out of my car, putting my hood up and got greeted by my two friends, Ashley and Brianna. "Hey Al." Ashley sent me a warm smile. Ashley is gorgeous. She have this blonde hair that really suits her, she's fun to be with. We first met when we were in freshmen year. Like Brianna, she have this chestnut color hair and brown eyes. She is also fun to be with but she's more fierce that Ashley who is a go 'go with the flow' type of girl. I am really thankful that I met these two, they made my dull life a colorful one.

"My god, you look like shit." Brianna chuckled.

Yeah, I'll probably agree with that since I am just wearing a baggy hoodie with no tank top underneath and my black pants with my old skool vans. I didn't bother to dress up, even fix my hair. I just put my hair in a messy bun and wore my glasses. Well, I did not wear my contact lens since my eyes are swollen but thanks to make up for not making it visible.

I look—well uhm, less presentable?

"So, there's a party at Blake's house tomorrow," Ashley said, interrupting my thoughts.

Blake again.

Blake is one of the notorious guy here in Westfield High School. There are three of them. Him, Chuck and Luis. Chuck is the most notorious of them, he is intimidating, his stare can make you squirm. He always wear his resting bitch face on. On the other hand, Blake and Luis are more playful. They also mingle with others, that is why they throw such parties but are still bad doing god knows what.

"Who told you?"

"I heard it everywhere." Typical Ashley. She loves parties. She enjoys dancing on the dance floor and 'express' herself. Well, that's what she said. Unlike me, I hate parties–I don't like them. It is not really my thing but I am still going for the sake of my friends and my ex-boyfriend.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud roar in the parking lot. The car parked across from us, Chuck came out from his car, looking good as ever. He wears his white shirt that hugs his biceps really well, with a denim jacket and black pants. His dark brown messy hair really looks good on him.

"Hello, earth to Alicia?" Brianna said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh? What?" I blinked.

"You zoned out." They both laughed. I looked at Chuck again. I almost gasped as I saw him staring at me.

Hours came by and it is really testing m feelings. I can see them everywhere.

Kelsey's been giving me that smirk whenever I see them. Of course, she got that ex of mine who plays football for our school. She knew he is taken so why flirt with him? He also know himself that he have a girlfriend so why flirt with her back?

It's all about reputation, isn't it?

Sighing, I sat in our usual lunch table with my lunch tray. "So are we going tomorrow?" Ashley asked. "Yeah, I need a drink." Brianna said.

"Since when you don't need some?"

"Shut up. Alcohol takes the pain away." We chuckled. Brianna is a fun girl too. She doesn't really like parties but she is having fun when we attend one. Ironic isn't it?

"You need a drink." Brianna smirked at me. I do. I need a lot of drink.

The bell rang signaling us that we only have five more minutes until our next period. I have that next period with them.

Great. Just great. Aren't I a lucky girl? Please note the sarcasm.

Grabbing my things from my locker, I heard the familiar high-pitched voice behind me. "Well, well, well. If it isn't for Alicia," Kelsey smirked at me. "Yes? What can I do for you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You look like shit." She chuckled, eyeing me up and down. "You need a makeover," Lia, one of her dogs said. I chuckled and shook my head. "No thanks. I'd rather just be like this, simple, than look like you. I don't know how much make up you put on your face, I don't even know what you look like without those make up, right Kelsey?" I smirked at her. She glared at me, I mentally gave myself a high five  for saying that.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend to." With that, I walked away from them.

"Stupid Kelsey, stupid Lia. F*cking—ow!" I rubbed my forehead as I collided with some brick wall. Wait, what? Wall?

I looked up and saw Chuck looking at me with Blake and Luis beside him. "You okay sweetheart?" Blake asked, I blinked at him. "Here, let me help you." He knelt down. I looked down and saw my books sprawled on the floor.

"Oh no, no. It's okay, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I am going." I gathered my book and stood up, walking away from them as fast as I can.

What was that all about?

I sat at the back since the professor doesn't really mind where we sit. Some girl smiled at me with sympathy, I just flashed my tight smile and saw them walked in the room.

My heart dropped as I saw them holding hands. I used to hold that hand.

Kelsey smirked as she saw the vacant seats in front of me and hallelujah, the professor came in.

In the middle of discussion, the door suddenly opened revealing these three notorious guys who look like greek gods. Chuck is looking good as hell. Blake looks good in his black shirt and lack pants with his old skool. Blake have his hair pushed back, Luis have the messy hair which really looks good. He is wearing this white shirt that really fits him, the sleeves hugs his torso, his black pants and converse.

What's with the bad boys and black pants?

"You are late again!" Mrs. Hugh crossed her arms. "Sorry Mrs. Hugh, it won't happen again."

"I hope so," She sighed, "But I'm still giving you detention later." She smirked at them. Their eyes searched the room, looking for vacant seats. I almost choke my spit as Chuck's intense gaze landed on me.

Oh my God, are there any seats available?

"Hey, it's you." Blake smiled at me and sat on the seat beside me, so it's Blake, me, Chuck and Luis. "Hi." I smiled back.

Mrs. Hugh gave us an individual activity and excused herself. "Babe," Kelsey said. I felt her looking at me but I kept my head down to my book.

"Do you want to come over tonight and do something fun?" She giggled.

Of course, she's doing that to make me mad. She wants me to snap, to make me look bad in front of all people.

"You know, like how I'm gonna—"

"Nobody wants to know that you're going to have sex with him tonight Kelsey." Blake spoke interrupting her. She looked at Blake with her jaw dropped.

Well, I guess she did not expect that.

"Excuse me?"

"Nobody has to know that you're going to give him a sloppy ass bl*wj*b." He said. "You might want to stay out of this Blake?" Paul faced Blake, glaring at him.

Blake smirked and spoke, "Just stating a fact bro."

Paul was about to say something but Mrs. Hugh walked in. I didn't realize that I was looking at Blake with my jaw dropped until he looked at me and winked.

Oh boy.

A/N: Here is the Chapter 2 guys! I know it is still not yet interesting but I promise you things will get better.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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