Jess {13}

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Thank ya'll so much for being patient. I know that some of you out there have been waiting and I finally got this chapter published. Again, sorry for the long wait. I also had to throw a few different ideas around for this chapter and decided on this one. Hope you enjoy!
Aaron POV
"How many times are you going to bring her into this?" I said through gritted teeth. "
"As many times as I get to piss you off."
"I know that Dad didn't care how I felt all through public school, but I also know damn well that he knows the truth and that he wouldn't hurt me physically."
"Is that actually true though? Did you really think that he cared about you at all? If he really cared about you, he would have never killed that Jess girl."
My eyes started to glow bright red. "Shut Up!"I screamed and charged at him catching him off guard. I punched him repeatedly until we backed up into the wall. As we moved towards the wall, I yelled in his face, "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO SPEAK OF JESS AGAIN! AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DO THE SAME TO APH!"
Before my final blow, he laughed. "Remember that Derek is still in here. If you hurt me, you hurt him as well."
I stopped midpunch and he took the chance to grab my arm and throw me onto the ground. He kicked me where my wound was and I grunted in pain.
Just then, mom ran at him and hit him in the head with a vase. He immediately blacked out and collapsed to the ground. "M-mom? How did you get that burst of energy all of a sudden?"
Rachel POV
'Come on, you need to wake up. I lost, but you didn't. Use your energy and take control of my body. I know you can.'
'B-but what if I fail? What if we both die?'
'You and I both know Aaron won't let that happen. Now go, take control.'
??? POV
I nodded and focused hard. I ran at Derek's body and kicked him hard enough that he was launched through the wall. "M-Mom? How did you get that burst of energy all of a sudden?" I heard Aaron ask. "Aaron, this isn't your mom. She's gone. It's me, ____." He began to tear up. He scrambled to his feet and embraced me in a big hug.
"J-Jess? I-I thought you were dead."
I shook my head no. "I was turned into a relic and was trapped in your mother's body. But when your mom was kill- err, defeated, she let me take control."
"Wait, what? Mom was in on this too?" He asks, with anger in his tone. I quickly shook my head no. "No, it was the Demon. He forced her to do it so he could make it look like I was dead. He wanted to make you feel constant pain. He wants to ruin your life more than you even know." I explained to him. He calmed down and continued to speak.
"Is there a way I can bring you back?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. But even if you could, your mother could die. She is in a weaker state right now, andcould possibly bleed out without me keeping her alive."
"Do you know someone that knows how to work it other than the demon king?"
"There is one girl I know, but she won't listen to me if she thinks I'm your mom, and she has trouble trusting others ever since my so called 'death.'"
"Who will she talk to?"
"Her ok only crush, Zane."
"What's her name?"
"Ghost. She shares a body with Kim, but nobody knows her real name. Not even her."
"You're wrong. Ghost's name is Emmalyn. She sacrificed herself to save her husband. The last name she remembered when she died was the name Zane. She recovered the lost memories a little while back."
"Emmalyn?" He nodded. I began to tear up. "I haven't seen her in forever. We were in a big fight the day that I disappeared. She probably hates me now."
"I'm sure she doesn't hate you Jess. Ghost is a bit, well, ghosty, but deep down she has a big heart. I can't see her hating anyone she was or still is close too." He comforted me. I beamed slightly and put my arms around him.
Aaron POV
I blushed a little and she let go. "Oops,sorry I forgot I was in your mom's body." I blushed and smiled. "No its fine. I'm just not used to feeling anyone's arms around me. At least not anymore.."
We stayed silent for a couple minutes and then I texted Lucinda.
Aaron: Hey Lucinda, you awake?
Aaron: Hello? This is important.
Aaron: Lucinda!
Lucinda: What do you want?! I was sleeping.
Aaron: Of course you are. Anyways, you know how extract spirits, right?
Lucinda: Yeah, why?
Aaron: I need you come to my house right now. The address is XXX Shipping Lane.
Lucinda: Finnee. But this better be important!
"Lucinda is on her way now." I told Jess. "Aaron? What happened here?!" Lucinda shouted running over to me. I looked around and saw four broken vases, blood stains on the wall and floor, the front door was wide open and there was a huge hole in the wall where Jess kicked the Demon King through.
I quickly summed up what had happened and Lucinda was slowly approaching my dad's body. "How long has he been knocked out?" She asked me. "Uh, maybe about 10 to 15 minutes?"
"I need to work as fast as I can then. The injury was only enough to knock him out for about 20 minutes."
She knealed down on the ground and began to chant words and noises. A white magic circle appeared around dad and a bright light appeared. I saw a ghost like figure leave my dad's body and then yell and float off quickly. Lucinda fell to the ground barely awake.
"Is he gonna be okay?"
"He should be fine. But I need to rest before anything else happen where I'm needed. But I should warn you, the demon king is not gone. He went off to find anotber host. Any possibilities could be the Lycans, or the Va-" She passed out before finishing her words. I lifted her up and laid her on the couch.
Va? Who's last name starts with Va?' I thought to myself.

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