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Lucy pov

Lucy worked the straight jacket strap m around and felt it go lose, she smiled under her helmet.

Lucy: I'm going to be free

She used her vectors to slash apartment what remained of her restraints. Lucy slashes at the helmet that covered her head smashing it, she could see again. She had finally broke free from the eternal darkness that would haunt her for the remainder of her days. She  

Lucy looked at where the scientist were panicking in there observation room, she ripped a peace of the floor out and hurled it threw the window that separated them.

She had her vectors lift her up until she was in the room, of course the security started to shoot at her. The bluets never even made it close as she blocked all of them.

Scientist: oh f*ck, f*ck,F*Ck!!

Lucy sliced one of the guards in half she decapitated the next, one was dumb enough to run at her, by vibrating her vectors right she made his head explode raining blood and brain all over the floor. She walked towards the door to find one female scientist huddled in the corner.

The scientist was about to speak but Lucy caused her torso to explode, Lucy saw parts of her spine and ribs, she also saw her intestines along with a great deal of blood that sprayed all over Lucy's body covering her.

But Lucy didn't mind, she almost enjoyed it.

Lucy walked down the hall and found a man in body armor, he was guarding the entrance to another chamber, he was in her way

Soldier: what the f*ck?!?!

Lucy had her vectors reach through his back and remove his spine.

She entered the chamber to find something she hadn't expected, a child.

She saw they looked like the were sleeping, she looked at the floor around them, it was covered in burns, bullet marks and most of all blood.

She could see part of their face, they were young, burn marks covered their skin. She turned their head slightly and found her hatred for humans growing. The child had ugly cuts across their face and all around what used to be their left eye socket. 

She knew even if she killed all of them here they wouldn't stop, this child would face more torture, she knew what humans were like.

She placed her arms underneath the child and took their sleeping form into her arms, she had no idea why she was doing what she was doing but she knew one thing, she could feel it, this child wasn't human, at least not anymore. 

She carried the child in her arms as she used her vectors to slash one scientists legs of before cutting off his arms and finally she compacted his head into a pulp, she walked until she found it, two giant doors that had "exit" painted on it, she used her vectors to smash the doors open And knew, she was free, she walked out of the base and into the city, she walked out to it and unknowingly she walked into a four way stop in the road. 

One man stuck his head out the window.

Cab driver: hey b*tch, move your A*s

Lucy used her vectors to grab the man and pull him out of the car, she made a ripping gesture and the man was ripped n half, she let the blood drain over her head and down her back. 

Lucy used her vectors to lift herself up to the roof.

She could feel the child moving in her arms 

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