Fight night

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Lucy pov

Lucky growls bringing out all of her vectors looking at the man before her

Lucy: you should leave before I kill you

???: good luck with that, people have been trying for a long time now, hasn't worked yet

Lucy: you don't want this fight

???: I believe I do

She Slashed at him but something unthinkable happened.......the man moved do quickly that.....she missed

Lucy: what?

The man ran at her somehow he had seen or sensed her vector, that alone was impossible but he had dodged it

She blocked his blade with her vector and sliced across his chest sending out a fountain of blood but it didn't kill him, he healed like y/n did only his was in a matter of minutes

Lucy: what are you

???: I'm evolved, not human anymore, something beyond

She tried to cut off his legs but he jumped avoiding the vectors

???: care to try again?

Lucy: you talk to much

She b*tch slapped him off the building

Lucy ran to check on y/n finding to her relief that they were still hiding

Lucy: phew

She turned seeing the man flip back up onto the building

???: ya done yet

Lucy: damn Americans

She attacked with all her vectors at once moving them at Mach speed finally hitting this man lacerating and slicing to a bloody pulp

Lucy: die

She had done all she thought possible to kill him, she didn't even know where some of the bits went

She went back over and retrieved y/n, she felt their fear but was surprised when they hugged her out of nowhere

It must have been all the fear and their most likely mental breakdown that anyone, especially a child would have after this sh*t

She very slowly and awkwardly brings her arms down and hugs back

Y/n: thank you

Lucy: your welcome.....

She felt like she should say something else but she stays silent and just embraced the child

Monsters together (Lucy x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now