Chapter 1 (David's P.O.V.)

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David ^^

I jolt awake, sitting up in bed.

Really? Had that stupid dream again.

I flop back on the bed, pulling the blanket up over my head.

Why do I keep having that nightmare? It doesn't make any sense.

I think back to it, and remember everything perfectly.

I'm flying above a forest, and I can hear a girl yelling my name.

"David! Help!"

I swoop down onto the forest floor and run toward the voice, my light grey wings flaring out behind me like smoke.

"Where are you?"

"Over here!"

I crash through the brush and suddenly I'm in a clearing, the trees in a circle around it.


All of a sudden, the girl runs into my arms, and I hug her close to me.

"I'm here, it's okay."

My fingers run through her light brown hair.

"I thought I lost you," she says, looking up at me.

Her eyes are brown, and they're beautiful.

"Not happening, baby girl."

She smiles at me, putting her head back on my chest.

Then, everything goes wrong.

I hear a crack below our feet, and look down right before the ground opens up, and the girl falls out of my arms.

She screams, and I try to catch her, but when I try to fly, I feel a searing pain shoot through my back.

I look back, and see a cloaked man with my wings wrapped in chains.

He's going to rip my wings off!

I try to pull away, but the pain shoots through me again.

"Get off me!"

The man smirks under the hood.

"Sorry, David. I can't let you go after her."

He tightens the chains, and...

I wake up.

I shake my head to clear it, and feel something tugging on my back. I look down and see my wings tucked under me.

Seriously? Give me a break.

I focus for a second, and feel my wings pull back into my skin.

I notice I'm shaking.

David, chill out. It was just a stupid dream.

I can't stop trembling.

My alarm goes off, and I reach over and slam my hand down on the button.

I growl and jump out of the bed, walking in my bathroom.

I turn the shower on full blast, pulling my sweatpants off, before getting in.

I let the water run over me, and scrub my hair and body clean.

I twist the knob to turn the shower off and get out, drying off, before heading back into my room.

I grab a pair of underwear and yank them on, fixing the band around my waist, and head into my walk in closet.

I run my hand over my dark blue police uniform's shirt, before taking it off the hanger and slipping it on, buttoning it and fixing the collar. I pull the matching pants on and tuck the shirt in before slipping on a pair of socks and my boots.

I brush out my hair and make sure I get my phone and wallet before heading downstairs to the kitchen

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I brush out my hair and make sure I get my phone and wallet before heading downstairs to the kitchen. I make a bowl of cereal and eat, rinsing the bowl out and putting it in the dishwasher. I grab my lunch from the fridge and walk outside, locking the front door. I jump in my squad car and head over to the police station.

"Hey, David," Kyle, one of my friends, says as I walk in. "Hey. Anything crazy happen yet?" "Ha! You wish." I shrug and he follows me to the break room. I toss my lunch in the fridge and flop down in one of the metal fold out chairs. I check the clock and grin. Right on time. "Jeez, someone is coming in earlier every single day," Carmen laughs, sitting next to me. I shrug.

"Yeah, and then you've got people like Jamie being an hour late and ticking the rest of us off." Kyle smirks. "Tell me about it. Oh, meet anybody new yet, Carmen?" I whack the back of Kyle's head. "Ow! What was that for?" Carmen shrugs, flicking her blonde ponytail off her shoulder. "David, it's fine." "No, it isn't. That idiot walked out on her fiancee a month before you guys were going to get married. Makes sense that you wouldn't want to date right away." "Thanks for backing me up." I grin.

We hear running feet and Mike bursts in, practically zooming over to me. "What's wrong?" "Car accident. Sheriff wants you to go check it out." I jump up. "I'm on it." He gives me the street, and I run out to my car, starting it and flipping the sirens on. I start driving over and hear my walkie-talkie go off. I pull it out of the stand. "Hey. Got any more info for me?" "Yeah. 2012 dark blue Mustang, and it's a woman driving. I'm guessing she'd been heading to work. Don't know exactly what caused it yet." "Got it."

I start looking for the car, and then I see an ambulance fly past me. Bingo. I follow them to the accident and gasp. The car looks like it's been in a demolition derby, and I can see a woman hanging upside down in the driver's seat. I slam on the brakes when I get close enough, jumping out of my car. I have to get her out of there.

I run over, grabbing the bottom of the broken window frame and the door handle, pulling as hard as I can. It scrapes open and I smile slightly, pushing it open as far as it can go. I duck my head inside, and gently push the woman's shoulder. She doesn't look that much younger than me, and has wavy brown hair. She gasps and her eyes fly open. They dart from side to side, looking around. "What happened?" "You were in an accident." Her eyes snap to mine, worried. "What's your name?" "Ella." "Okay. I'm David. I'm gonna have to cut the seatbelt off." She nods.

I reach over to my belt and grab the pocket knife, opening the thicker blade. Ella's eyes squeeze shut. I bend up a little so I can support her with my body, and pull the seatbelt away from her, sawing as quick as I can. I put the knife back in my belt, readjusting my arms so I can catch her. She falls into me, and I wrap my arms around her, making sure to keep her head as still as possible.

I back out from under the car, carrying her over to the stretcher. I put her down and smile at her. "You're gonna be fine." I start to back away, but she grabs my hand. "Can you stay? Just until I get to the hospital?" I grin. "Sure. I'll follow you." Ella smiles. Whoa, she's so pretty. I shake my head slightly. Snap out of it! She lets go and I get back in my car.

"David?" I grab the walkie-talkie. "Hey. She's okay. Asked me to go to the hospital with her." "Fine with me." "Be back in a little bit."

I follow the ambulance and park in the spot beside the emergency room, getting out and walking over to see the paramedics lifting her out of the ambulance. She smiles when she sees me. I walk beside the stretcher as they go into the hospital. Ella reaches over and squeezes my hand. "Thanks, David." Before I can stop myself, I lean over and kiss her forehead. "Mind if I come check on you later?" Ella nods. "Yeah, sure." "I'll see you soon." I let go of her hand and go back out to my car, heading back to the police station.

I end up thinking about her all day, not able to get her out of my head.

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