Chapter 3 (David's P.O.V.)

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"Uno!" Ella slams her last card down on the table, smirking. "Oh, come on! That's the fifth time," I say, laughing. She grabs the marker and puts another point under her name on the paper. "Sorry, played it for too long. Anyway, I'm so glad I'm out of that stupid hospital." She leans back in her chair, looking around the library where we decided to meet. It's been a week since her accident, and we've become friends pretty quickly. I grin.

"Yeah, I know. I remember one time I broke my leg, had to stay in the hospital for two weeks." "Ow. How'd you break it?" "Lacrosse practice junior year of high school. Couldn't play for two months." "Body slam?" I nod. "Yep. It hurt." She laughs. "Luckily I haven't ever broken a bone." "Really?" "Yeah. I have flat feet, so I've sprained my left foot three times, and my right I think four. Plus my left ring finger. That one sucked, because I'm left handed, so I couldn't write on my own for three weeks, not entirely sure. Was in eighth grade." "Ouch." "Tell me about it. That's why I almost never wear heels. Anyway, what's your favorite mythical creature?"

The 20 Questions game has basically continued, and it's actually pretty fun. "Kelpies." "You mean those monster water horses? The demon kind?" I grin. "Both, really. The good ones and the bad ones." "Mine are mermaids." "That doesn't surprise me one bit. I like them, too. Come on, you'd get to breath underwater and swim like a dolphin. Plus you get special abilities, too." "Okay, supernatural creature?" "Ha! Easy, werewolves." "Same."

"Parents' names?" She looks away, her eyes going to the floor. Oh, no. What did I say? "Are you okay?" Ella sighs, nodding. "Yeah. I knew it would come up eventually." Oh, crap. Nice going, David. Obviously, her parents are dead. "What happened to them?" She shrugs. "I don't know. I never met them. I was found at a hospital's doorstep, wrapped in a blanket in a box." Oh, you are such an idiot. "Me and my big mouth. I'm sorry." She smiles slightly. "It's okay. I've never needed them, anyway. They're jerks, whoever they are. Second I got out of foster care, I moved away from that town and never looked back. The kids at school were evil. Luckily I got a scholarship for a college in California." I have to resist the urge to kick myself in the shin.

Okay, I gotta change the topic, now. "Favorite Disney movie?" She laughs. "Oh, not even a competition. Beauty and The Beast, and The Lion King. They're tied at number one for me." "Originals?" She snorts. "Obviously. The originals are the best. What about you?" "Lion King, of course. Only other one I'd put at number one with it is Mulan." "She is awesome." "Hell yeah she is. Absolute badass girl. Favorite Disney Princess, hands down." "Belle is mine, no surprise, but Mulan is in my top five." "I've always liked Cinderella, too. I know, a lot of people don't like her, but I don't get why. She was abused and belittled by her step family, and then she finally gets the best revenge by being happy." "Tell me about it. I loved her live action film, added so much more to her. And that dress! Gorgeous." "What about Jasmine's pink one?" "Give me it. I love it." "The detail in the Aladdin movie, come on." "Have you seen The Greatest Showman?" "Don't even get me started. The songs, know them by heart." "Same here. This Is Me, best anthem ever." "Speechless." She grins. "Speechless, I played that song on repeat when the album for Aladdin came out."

I put the game away and get up, walking over to look at the books. "No, no, read it already, not interested, boring..." I see a book and groan. "What?" I grab it and hold it out so she can see the cover. 50 Shades of Grey. "Yuck." She wrinkles her nose in disgust. I laugh and hold the book far away from me like it's made of poison. "Think they'd notice if we threw this away?" Ella looks up and around, looking for cameras. None, perfect. "Let's get it, and then toss it in the dumpster." I grin, and rip the security sticker off, throwing it in the trash can. She grabs it and stuffs it in her bag.

We walk out the back door and she pulls the book out of her bag, opening it and ripping a stack of papers out of it, and tearing the cover down the middle. I keep an eye out as she tosses everything into the dumpster outside the library. "Yeah, nobody's going in there to get that." We head to my car, and high five when we get in. "Okay, that was awesome." I start the car and we drive out of the parking lot, heading onto the highway. "So, what's the best part about being a police officer?" I grin. "That's easy. Helping people. Well, okay, finding bad guys can be pretty fun, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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