Chapter 2 (Ella's P.O.V.)

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Ella ^^

Well, my day is going great. I'm stuck in a hospital room, after one of the scariest mornings of my life. I was heading to work, as usual, and then BAM! My tire hit a pothole, and I'm flipping through the air. Next thing I know, I'm hanging upside down.

Then something even crazier happened. This completely out of my league, to die for hot, policeman is yanking the door open like it was a paperclip, he cuts my seatbelt off, and I fall into his arms, and then he carries me like we're in a fantasy movie, and I'm a Princess and he's a knight sent to save me from a dragon.

I know, it sound nuts, but I was there. Damn, that's one way to sweep a girl off her feet. And his arms, don't even get me started on his arms. Even through his uniform, I could feel the muscle.

He actually followed the ambulance to make sure I got to the hospital okay, and walked me in. I swear I thought I had died and gone to Heaven when he kissed my forehead. Might have just been an out of the blue reaction, but I felt like it meant something a little more.

I know what you're thinking. Ella, you read too many romance novels, the guy had just saved you from an accident, he's doing his job. And you don't even know him. You barely said anything to him.

He probably has a girlfriend, anyway. I mean, what girl wouldn't want him? The brown hair, bright blue eyes, amazing smile, that ticks off any girl's dream guy list. But if he does have a girlfriend, why did he say he would come see me? I'd be annoyed if I was her, my boyfriend going off to see a girl in the hospital.

My boyfriend. I feel my face heat up. Wow, just had to put that image into my head. Not in a million years. I know for a fact I'm not his type. Boring hair, boring eyes, not even a little tan. Boobs? There, but nothing to really brag about, I actually try to hide them most of the time, and to top it off, I'm a virgin. Yeah, fat chance. He's probably just coming to check on me, and then he'll be out of my life.

There's a knock on the door, and my heart speeds up when I see it's David...and he's wearing regular clothes. Okay, wow. I thought him in uniform was hot enough, but the black Converse, dark, ripped jeans and emerald green V-neck, jeez.

Ella, quit staring! I think, and shake my head to clear it. "Hey. Come in." He smiles and walks over to the side of my hospital bed. "I have something for you." I look up at him, confused. David pulls something out from behind his back, and I blush slightly. It's a bouquet of pink and white roses.

 It's a bouquet of pink and white roses

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"Thanks." "Too much?" I laugh. "No, I like them." He shrugs and puts them on the bedside table.

"So, are you okay? I mean, a car crash is not fun." I shrug. "No broken bones, so that's a plus. Most likely banged my head around a little, I saw a few scrapes, but other than that, I think I'm good." He nods, then seems to remember something.

"Oh! I didn't just bring flowers. Here." David hands me a big plastic bag and I see my purse in it. I rip open the seal and pull my purse out, opening it to check that everything is still there. Phone, check. I.D. and driver's license, check. Chapstick, check. Wallet, check. I unzip the smaller compartment. Phone charger, check. Eyeshadow palette, check. Mascara, check. Hair ties, check. I smile slightly. "That's everything."

I go to check my phone, and roll my eyes. "Dead, of course." I yank the charger out, and start looking around for an outlet. "Let me?" David holds his hand out for it. I nod, giving it over. He ducks under the bedside table and plugs the charger in, feeding the chord up behind the table. I grab it when it's close enough to me, plugging in my phone. "Thanks."

He smiles and pulls the chair up beside the bed. "Wanna play 20 Questions?" I nod. "Yeah, but make them good." David laughs. "Fair enough. Okay, what was your favorite book series as a kid?" I grin. "Ugh, you're making me pick one? Unfair." He grins. "You still didn't answer it." I think about it for a few seconds. "The Percy Jackson books." "Same here."

I lift my eyebrows, surprised. "Really?" "Definitely. I mean, the kids of Greek gods, the crazy adventures, all the different creatures, the camp, Camp Half-Blood, I wanted to go there so bad. Even more than Hogwarts, being completely honest. Come on, do you really need to say anything else?" "Not the movies." His face wrinkles up in disgust. "They butchered the movies. I mean, could have been the next Harry Potter huge movie series, and they screwed it up." "Yeah, the kids were too old! Percy and his friends are twelve in the first book." "Right? Pathetic."

"My turn. Why did you want to be a police officer?" "Okay, that's a good question. I mean, basic answer is I wanted to help people. I know, it's a lame answer, but it's true." I laugh. "It is not lame. I think it's awesome. Not a lot of people can do that job."

We start swapping questions back and forth, losing track of how many we're asking, until a nurse brings a tray of food in. David looks at his phone and grins. "Okay, you should get some sleep. Wait, I'll put my number in your phone. Hospitals are boring." He reaches over and adds his number to my contacts, sending a message from it so he gets mine. "We're friends now." I smile. "Luckily it's my day off tomorrow, so you'll get me all to yourself." I laugh. "By the way, I didn't say thank you." He smiles. "Don't even need to, but you're welcome." He squeezes my hand and leaves the room. I lean back on the bed, smiling. "Somebody has a crush," the nurse says, putting the tray in my lap. I blush.

"No, I don't." It doesn't sound convincing, even to me. "Yeah, both of you. Just looking at you two, it's obvious. Most guys would just call to check on someone, he actually came over to talk to you, and brought you flowers. Keep him." She smiles at me and leaves the room.

I start eating, thinking about what the nurse said. Is she right, or was David just being nice? If he was, wouldn't he have just dropped the flowers off? I don't really know. Well, I'll just see what happens.

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