Chapter 1

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"We're moving?!" Addison exclaimed. Missy rolled her eyes.

"Yes Addison, it's not the end of the world." She told her daughter, continuing to pack up decorative trinkets from around the house.

"B-but, what about my friends?! My school?!" Then she gasped as a thought struck her. "I'll have to transfer skating divisions! You can't do this to me!" She cried in horror. Missy laughed at her over exaggerating.

"You're going to be fine!" She smiled assuringly. "It's just the next town over. I even made sure to find a house close to the ice rink just for you. You'll be able to walk there, we're so close!" Missy told her excitedly. Addison groaned and dropped her head on the kitchen counter dramatically.

"I'll have to compete against my friends. My life is over." She complained. Missy once again rolled her eyes, but sat down the box she'd been carrying around and came up next to her daughter.

"I know this will be a big change for you, but we have to do this. The board wants to bring the two communities together and, as mayor, it would show a great deal of respect to move into their town." Missy explained, running her fingers through Addison's blonde wig affectionately. "You're so good at blending in, I'm sure you'll do great in this new school."

Addison frowned but thought it over. Her mom made a good point about bringing the two communities together. She'd love to make new friends, but what about her old ones? Would she be able to balance the two groups evenly? Eventually, she just sighed and nodded her agreement. Missy smiled and clapped her hands together in finality.

"Good! Now go up to your room and start packing Sweetie. The big move is this weekend." She instructed.

"This weekend?! You mean in two days?!" Addison asked in exasperation. Missy nodded happily and shooed Addison off.

"I have movers coming tomorrow to pack most of our belonging, then everything will be loaded up Saturday and taken to the new house!" Missy continued her tedious packing of little trinkets. "Now go pack up anything you don't want someone else handling!" Missy ordered. Addison groaned again but marched up the stairs and slammed her door closed, sliding down to the floor and pulling her knees up to her chest.

"My life is over." She cried.


After school that day, her father came to pick her up. She got in the passenger seat of the patrol car and just immediately started staring out the window. Dale glances over at her every few minutes awkwardly.

"So, uh, how was school today?" He asked. Addison snorted.

"Fan-ta-stic." She enunciated with a pout. Dale sighed.

"I know you're not excited about the move Sweetie but it will be good for us. For everyone!" He tried to encourage. Addison didn't respond, just continued staring out the window. Dale knew he wasn't going to be able to change her mind by himself, but knew something that might.

Addison noticed they weren't taking their usual route home. Then she started to realize he wasn't driving home at all. He was, in fact, going the complete opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" She asked trying to figure it out based on landmarks hat we're getting harder and harder to recognize.

"I thought that maybe rather than going home and watching movers pack up the house, you'd like to check out your new skating facility." He informed her.

Her eyes lit up, even if she tried her best to hide that little sparkle. Figure skating was the one thing that always made her happy, a passion that burned deep in her. She shrugged, trying to be indifferent, and turned to continue watching the cityscape pass by her window.

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