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the same day alex pov

after val and the kids left i took a deep breath and jogged upstairs to my room closing the door behind me seeing emma doing her makeup
a-wtf was that em ur outta fuckin line!
e-*looks at him shocked*me she's the one who-
a-those are her kids em u don't have the right to say shit like that to her if it wasn't for me she would have been put her hands on u em
e-so this is my fault
a-no baby but now i have to go fix shit with val not u me so plz just don't go there with her i don't need my girl and the mother to my kids fighting every time y'all get around each other
e-whatever alex u just don't wanna say u still love her
a-em no that's-
e-im over it alex leave me alone
i huffed as i watched her stand up and walk out the room causing me to sit down on the bed thinking about how i ended up here when in reality i just wanted my wife and kids back
i chuckled shaking my head looking over at ottie as he came in looking proud because he knows what he's doing and i find it kinda funny because he never did that to val
a-come on boy let's go eat*stands up*

30 minutes later val pov

ar-mommy plz i really want my baby doll
v-aria y didn't u grab it before we left ur dads house
ar-idk i forgot
jr-can't u just get other one
ar-i don't want other one!
v-jr don't and ok after we leave target we'll go back and get it ok
jr-or we can just call dad to bring it
v-well do u have ur phone
v-call him than and tell him to bring it to target
i looked over at him and shook my head smiling couldn't believe my 7 year old son has a phone but we continue walking around grabbing hangers trash bags and some toys for them
ar-ou mom can we get more treats for valen
v-yea go
we walked down the isle and they began picking up a bunch of stuff asking me if we can get it
jr-mom look can we get this big bowl for ottie
v-jr i-
jr-oh wait nvm*puts it down on the shelf*
v-get two so he can have a water bowl too ok
v-mhm we can give it to ur dad when he gets here i'm pretty sure he's bringing ottie
jr-yess thanks mom
i smiled watching them put in the cart and we finally left the isle going to a different isle's until we paid and walked out to the car where i put both of the kids in the car then went to the back and started putting bags in the car but while doing so i saw alex and ottie jogging our way causing me to giggle and thinking about how people think seeing a grown man with a dog and baby doll in his hand running through a target parking lot
a-*gets to her*whats so funny huh*says outta breath*
v-nothing*looks at ottie*hii ottie
i giggled petting and kissing ottie as he stood up on my leg licking me back looking happy to see me
a-i'm pretty sure he misses u every time i mention ur name he starts whining and wants to go outside
v-because ottie tell ur dad we're best friends forever right
he barked getting down doing a twirl then sat down looking up at me with his tongue out as i giggled looking at alex
a-so how's valen
v-she's fine she has a grooming appointment in 2 hours actually
a-ok well here's the doll
i smiled and grabbed the doll then closed the trunk and pushed the cart in its spot
a-hey val i was wondering since u know my mom was the last one of us to move out to la she wanted to have a get together or something like that and she told m-
v-yes me and the kids are going but only because she wants me too
a-*chuckles and shakes his head*it's tonight at about 5-6
v-ok also don't forget to check that airhead before i get there
a-val i already did and can we stop with the names mamas plz
v-fine whatever also here ur son got ottie these*hands him the bowls*
a-wtf no way*laughs*
v-mhm 35 dollars each ur kids are expensive
a-what no they get that from u
v-alex u brought our 7 year old son a phone for his birthday and our 5 about to be 6 year old daughter a ipad for hers
a-so should i take her birthday present back this year*rubs the back of his neck*
v-alex u did not
a-i just hate going through u all the time to talk to them ur either busy with work or busy cleaning up after them after they fall asleep somewhere
v-ok fair play but now u see ur the reason their expensive
a-ok ok yea i get it
i giggled and i walked to the driver side as he followed behind me but before i could open the door he opened it for me causing me to look at him and shake my head smiling as i got in hearing the kids yelling hi to him
v-here baby*hands aria the baby doll*
ar-yay thanks daddy
a-mhm now both of u be good for mommy ok
jr&ar-ok love u
a-love u too*looks at val*be safe ok
v-i promise to look both ways ok
we said bye to ottie then he closed my door and back up letting me pull out and we all waved bye as i left outta the parking lot

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