The Third Arrow (Boromir X Reader)

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It felt like weeks ago that you and the remaining fellowship had left Lothlòrien. The small silver-white boats glided smoothly across the water and bumped against the cream rock of the shore.

In the night you had heard Frodo crying. He had tried to make it subtle, that much you could tell, but his hobbit sobs had rocked the boat slightly. Sam woke and sighed compassionately, reaching out, he stroked the other Hobbit's back until he fell asleep again.

You caught Boromir glaring at you from across the boat, his eyes glistening in the starlight, he was trying hard not to cry.

Meanwhile, on land, you had made camp next to an old stone pillar. The ground was grey, dusty gravel, littered with pine needles, the early morning air was warm and sweet smelling. The fellowship sat around a small fire in silence.

Gandalf should have been there, now the whole company was suffering because of the missing Maia.
He would've known what to do. This entire trip had been reliant upon his expert guidance. Now he was dead, you knew that everyone doubted the success of this perilous journey.

Sam and Frodo sat on a log relatively far from camp, Sam cuddled Frodo under a big grey blanket as he grieved the loss of his hero. Merry sat on the floor at their feet, head in his hands and staring out at the water which Pippin was screaming and wailing at in dispear.

Aragorn sat opposite you and you saw through the flames as he poked Gimli with a mud-covered stick. The dwarf snored violently and clutched the precious strands of Galadriel's gifted hair in his meaty fist.

Legolas took a worm out of the hole he was digging and plunked it in Gimli's other outstretched palm as an attempt to wake him. The Dwarf smiled in his sleep and moved his hand to his mouth and put the worm in.

"No no no!" Legolas jumped up and ran a few meters further away. Gimli swallowed the slimy creature with a smile on his face and continued snoring. Legolas screamed.

"You scream like a woman!" Aragorn pointed and laughed. "Scream again woman-elf-man!"

Legolas frowned and stomped off into the forest. Aragorn sighed and stood up with a groan, he walked over Gimli who was still sprawled on the floor and ventured after the aryan elf.

He left you and Boromir alone around the fire with just the loud snores of Gimli for mood music.

"Are you okay my love?" Boromir asked, his voice was barely a whisper.

You just nodded. "Are you?"


You both knew it wasn't true. You shuffled over and wrapped an arm around his broad shoulders. "It's not your fault."

"I could have done something..."

"You did. You looked after the little ones. They're what really matters on this mission. All of us can die, and as long as they survive the world can be saved." you patted his back softly.

"You're right. As long as they're alright the world has a chance." he turned on the log and you embraced each other in the sunrise light.

"Tis a fine morning." you whispered with your head rested on his shoulder. He hummed in reply and kissed your cheek before releasing you.

"I want to be alone Sam." Frodo shouted and stormed into the woods.

"We should follow him..." you muttered, "anything could be up there."

"You're right."

Legolas and Aragorn returned from the woods looking dishevelled.

"Oy Oy! It's your turn is it?" Aragorn bellowed like a yob.
Legolas gave a dopey grin and attempted to straighten his messy hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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