Chapter Five

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I read through the takings from the past few weeks of me launching my business. Everything was going better than I expected and I couldn't be happier with what I'd achieved. It was already sold out so we had more in the making and I was thinking of starting a new line in the new year.

"You alright babe? Where's Mama T and Solange?"Jay came from the bedroom and kissed the crown of my head.

"They're already gone. I didn't want to wake you and it was so early,"he crouched down beside me and read the numbers.

"All right! These are just in a few weeks, wait until a whole month. I'm proud of you baby,"he kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"Thank you. What are your plans for the day apart from picking up Shaq?"I asked him.

"I need to talk to my lawyers and see what can be done. I don't want to get them involved but her family are a mess and I can't trust them to not be in Eva's ear about the club and hotel,"he blew his breath and stood up straight going to the kitchen.

I received a notification through my phone and picked it up to check.

Unknown:ugly bitch. Lmao u need some surgery coz u not as pretty as u think🤢

I rolled my eyes again because these texts were getting out of control. The anonymous bitch was texting me nearly every day and I was getting tired of it.

Beyoncé:idk who u are but delete my number n find a hobby. Thanks boo x

I slammed my phone down in anger and closed my laptop.

"What's wrong Bey?"Jay came back with a pop tart and some soda.

"Nothing. People just love to hate,"I brushed it off and felt on my baby bump. "Jay...I know you've got a lot on your plate but we need to talk about the baby,"I brought the baby up. As happy as we were right now and as smooth as things were, we couldn't just live in fairy land and brush things under the carpet. Jay did say that he was accepting the child but at the end of the day I wasn't sure about who the father was and the baby deserved to know their paternal side.

"What's there to talk about?"he bit into his food.

"The fact that neither of us know who the father is and we need to,"I could tell I struck a nerve because his whole demeanour changed. His shoulders became tense and his nostrils flared.
He couldn't even look at me when I was talking.

"So what do you want to do? Where's your ex?"

"Last time I checked he was in LA. Now I'm not sure unless I call a few of my people down there,"I told him.

"So you want to get him involved and fuck up what we've got going on?"

"Jay why are you being like this? I'm putting my child first and they deserve to know their father,"I frowned.

"I already told you that I'm stepping up. What more do you want?"

"To know the father!"I clapped my hands. "Jay I'm not doing this for me! I don't want to call my ex and ask him to take a paternity test and I don't want to drag our family through this but I made the mistake of sleeping with two men within a month and now I have to be a responsible mother and put my child first. It's not fair on the baby!"I yelled.

"I've got Eva, her family and a whole bunch of other crazy motherfuckers surrounding me. I don't need your ex showing up and showing out with his superman cape!"

"What are you talking about Jay?! I just want to know how we're going to plan ourselves around the child that is already here and the child that is on its way. We can't just sit here on cloud 9 because before you know we'll come tumbling back down to earth and we'll face our problems,"I scowled.

"Great analogy,"I rolled my eyes and stood up, grabbing my phone and my keys as I stormed out of his hotel suite. He wasn't taking anything seriously and it was stressing me out. We needed to figure this out so we could move forward properly.

All I needed to do was get some air before I exploded because this was getting out of hand. I just needed Jay to act his age again so we could discuss this as a family.

I hopped in the car and immediately called my mom as I drove to a little spot I liked to find myself in whenever I was frustrated or angry.

"Hey baby, how are you?"she softly spoke.

"Not too great mama,"I wiped a single tear that fell as I stopped at a traffic light.

"What's wrong?"

"Mama I don't know if this is going to work. We need to know the father of this child but Jay's not listening. He says it's fine now, but I know that when the baby comes it'll haunt him and cause chaos. I don't know what's wrong with him,"I sniffed.

"Oh Beyoncé...think about how he feels. The woman that he left his fiancée for, the mother of his child and the love of his life is having a baby that might not be his. Maybe he doesn't want to hear any of that because he's afraid of not having the family he's been wanting for years. Put yourself in his shoes and think about how you'd react to it. Granted, he needs to be mature and handle this situation with you but give him time and let him at his own time and pace. A lot has happened over the past few months. You need to take some time out too and take a break. And Shaquille. You guys are perfect for each other so don't let one thing damage what you've been working towards. Okay, Bey?"

"Okay mama,"I weakly smiled. She was always the person I called in times like this because she gave me the best advice and made me feel better. "I love you."

"I love you too baby. We'll talk later,"we hung up the call and I parked at my favourite park to go to. Once I parked, got out and sat on the bench I took a deep breath and let my thoughts escape with the fresh air around me. I loved the view from that specific bench- a scenic view of nature.

Despite the chaotic New York traffic I enjoyed the peace and quiet away from my own chaotic life. I wanted everything to be perfect for us but nothing was ever perfect, and I wanted our forever to be real but things were getting harder by the minute. I thought back to how my life would have been if I never came here and ran into Jay. There were both positives and negatives about this all: Shaq finally met his father and I reconnected with my forever sweetheart, but we had the Culhanes bringing their fire and I was carrying a baby that potentially had half of another man.

"You've always loved the nature haven't you?"I spun my head around at the voice and gaped in awe at who was behind me.

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