Chapter Seven

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I waited for Shaquille in the car as I spoke to Jay's brother Sammy on the phone. Shaq's school was breaking up for the Christmas holidays so today was his last day. Jay and I hadn't really discussed plans for Christmas this year because it was mine and Shaq's first in New York, but I was sure that we were going to spend it with family.

"So how's the pregnancy going?"Sammy asked me.

"I'm getting to four months now. I know the worst will kick in in the last trimester but I'm feeling okay to be honest. I'm more concerned about your brother and how he's really dealing with the pregnancy and the paternity of the baby. I've fucked everything up and I've made such a mess of things. If I was more careful and wasn't too preoccupied with dick then we wouldn't have this problem of not knowing who the dad is,"I put my head in my hands. Me being a grown woman I should've been more wary of us using protection and not have sex with two men within two weeks.

"Bey the main thing is that you told the truth and you've owned up to your mistake. Even though it took you a while to say something you did and you don't have my brother walking around thinking he's the biological father of a child he might not be. Jay does this thing where he buries his head in the sand and he doesn't like to confront the situation because he's afraid. I'm sure that's what he did when he was going between you and Eva. I'm almost certain he ignored the fact that he was still engaged to her because he didn't want to do more damage to people than he'd already done,"I nodded my head in agreement even though Sammy couldn't see me.

"I'm pushing for a DNA test that we can do before the baby gets here that's actually quite safe but he doesn't want any paternity test. I'd rather we know who the father of the child is so we can prepare ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally than just using our own mind to make it up,"I sighed.

"Y'all need to go on vacation after the new year. I'm talking about a proper family holiday with you, Jay and Shaq to somewhere away from all this chaos. Maybe when you come back, y'all will be more calmer and be in a better mindset. Look, I gotta now because my break is almost over, but do you want me to say anything to him?"

"No, we already argued over it and I don't want a repetition of everything,"I rolled my eyes.

"Alright. We'll talk later Bey. I'm sure everything will work out for you two. Just remember that no matter what, you've been a blessing in my family's life, especially Jay's. He'll come to his senses, he can't live without you."

"I hear you. Bye Sammy,"I hung up and at that moment Shaq got into the passenger seat.

"Hey baby. How was your last day?"I kissed his head.

"Good. Are we going to the club now?"he asked and I nodded my head.

As I drove us to Heat Shaq proceeded to tell me all about his day at school. He'd made so many friends and had settled in well and comfortably. He was also enthusiastic about having a new sibling which put my mind at ease because that was one less person to worry about.

We arrived after a short while and walked in to see the club staff preparing for the Christmas celebrations. Jay's back was turned towards us but I instantly spotted him and Shilo. We walked up the stairs to the balcony and met them there.

"Hey y'all,"I greeted them. Jay turned around with a smile and wrapped his arms around me before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Hey baby. You good?"he asked and I nodded. "Wassup lil man? How was school?"he hugged Shaq and they began their conversation.

"Hey Shi,"I smiled at her.

"Hi,"she dryly replied looking away and I frowned.

"What's wrong?"I asked her.

"You tell me. You're the one who likes to keep secrets from everyone,"she looked at my belly and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Shi. I know I've hurt all of you and I was being selfish by only thinking about myself. I'm not perfect, nobody on this earth's surface is, but I'm working on being more honest with everybody,"I touched her shoulder but she moved it and rolled her eyes. I couldn't blame her for being angry at me because she had every right to be but she was practically my little sister and she was the aunt of my children.

"Shi Shi I don't want to lose our relationship over my mistakes. You're a sister to me and I love you. Give me time me to prove myself because I don't want you staying mad at me. Okay?"it took her a while but she eventually nodded.

"Can I have a hug?"I poked my lips out and stretched my arms out. She shook her head with a smile and we hugged.

"That was beautiful,"Jay clapped wiping his fake tears and we kissed our teeth before laughing.

"Where did Shaq go?"I questioned and he pointed to his office where I could see him sitting at Jay's desk eating Chick-Fil-A.

"How do you think everything looks?"he pulled me into him and I looked at the club from the balcony.

"It's nice. The Christmas tree is huge,"I admired the blood red and the snow white that naturally lit up the club.

"The bigger the better,"he smirked at me and I tried to hide my smirk because I knew what he meant.

"Can y'all get a room?"Shilo scrunched her nose up.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up to see that it was the same number that kept on messaging me.

Unknown:u will never own the club looking from the balcony like ur the boss

I could hear Jay talking to somebody while walking away but I was more concerned about who the person was and why they were still messaging me. It was like every time I blocked a number another number would appear.

Beyoncé:get a life...a real one, not a virtual one.

I looked up from my phone and glared around the club, looking for whoever could be possibly texting me. This was getting out of hand and somebody was clearly watching me right now. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but then why would anything? Obviously this person wanted to stay anonymous and that was the their number kept on switching and they didn't reveal their name either.

I looked back at Shaq and he was in the office watching Netflix on the tv. I walked in and he looked at me.

"What's wrong Ma? You look scared,"he paused the show.

"I'm fine baby. Um, is anyone else in here?"I paced around the office looking for somebody else in here; I couldn't bear to think of anything happening to Shaquille and it seemed like someone was already onto me.

"No one's in here, it's just me. Are you looking for anybody?"I heard him ask as I checked in the bathroom too.

"N-no baby. Don't mind me,"I tried to put on a fake smile. "If anyone comes in here let me know and call me if anything seems out of the blue, okay?"

"Ma, I'm a big boy,"he chuckled.

"Just do it,"I raised my eyebrows and he nodded. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug.

"You want a chip?"he offered. I dug out some chips and stuffed my face with them.

"Hey! I said a chip not many chips,"I laughed and kissed his head. Jay came in and smiled at the sight of us.

"Mr St Patrick, this is my partner and my son, Beyoncé and Shaquille. Bey, Shaq, this is James St Patrick,"Jay moved to the side and my eyes widened as I saw him grinning with a smile.

"Beyoncé! It's been so long! Four months, right?"he stepped further in to the office and Jay looked at him.

"You know Beyoncé?"he asked.

"Absolutely. Five years together,"he smirked.

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