Chapter Six

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I sat back in my seat as I waited for Eva in Olive Garden. She'd finally agreed on a time and place for us to discuss what to do. I couldn't wait to get this over with so I could forget about everything. Her family were running around social media talking smack about me and mine but that was their style and it certainly wasn't ours. It was only making them look desperate for attention because we were taking the high road and weren't responding to their thirsty thirty seconds of fame on Instagram and Snapchat.

Soon enough while I was checking my timeline Eva walked into the restaurant and was escorted by a waiter. She sat on her chair and placed her bag down before removing her shades even though it was the middle of December.

"You took your time,"I cleared my throat picking up the menu.

"Well I'm here now so what's your problem?"she snapped at me.

"Damn Eva, I'm just saying. I've got things to do just as much as you and I don't prefer sitting here waiting for you to show up,"I read through the menu as a waitress approached.

"Things like cheating?"she raised her eyebrows and I sighed in frustration.

"Good afternoon. My name is Melanie and I'll be your host for the day. May I start off by taking your drinks?"the waitress introduced herself. Eva turned her head to me and raised her eyebrows.

"You gonna cheat with her too?"she folded her arms but I ignored her snarky comment.

"I'll have the Samuel Adams lager and the chicken giardino,"I answered the waitress.

"And what would you like ma'am?"she turned to Eva.

"I'll have a watermelon moscato sangria and the creamy garlic Tuscan chicken,"Eva gave her order.

"I've got that. I'll be right out with your drinks and your food will come soon after,"the waitress took the menus from us and walked away.

"So how's your little family going? Was breaking my heart worth it?"

"Eva I don't want us to end things on a bad note. Let's just act civil towards each other and move on from each other,"I sighed and she rolled her eyes as the waitress returned with our drinks.

"What are your thoughts on the house? I don't mind getting my name off the house and leaving it to you,"I expressed my own opinion.

"And where will you live? With your new family?"she sipped on her drink.

"Its none of your concern,"I looked away then looked back at her.

"Let's keep it real Shawn. You were able to pull the covers over me and I was blind before but I'm not that stupid. You're moving in with her aren't you?"

"I will. But even if I wasn't I'd still leave the house for you because I don't want it. The question is: are you going to take it or should we just sell it?"I asked her and she thought about it.

"I'll have it because I put way too much work into that house to just "sell it","she rolled her eyes. The food arrived and we immediately dug in.

"So are your family still around?"

"If you must know, no, but you'd know that after all the drama that's been going on on social media,"she took a bite of her food.

"I'm not bothered about what your family are doing on social media. No offence, but there's plenty of keyboard warriors I've dealt with in my lifetime. Everything I've got to do is done in real life,"I shrugged.

"Well good on you Shawn(!)"she sarcastically exclaimed.

"Your share in the hotel..."

"You can have my share. I'd rather not have my name above the place you cheated on me with and kept your secret family in,"she stated and I agreed with her. The house and hotel was sorted, but I was dreading what she'd say about the club. The club was my biggest business and my first accomplishment since prison, but Eva had put a lot of work into the club and I doubt she'd just give it up like that. It was obvious she wasn't willing to cooperate and work together for as long as I was with Bey.

"So where are you going to work?"

"What do you mean?"she frowned.

"After the club,"I put my fork down and took a sip of my lager while she choked on her food and her eyes widened.

"You must be crazy. That club is just as much mine as yours,"she put her fork down too.

"I beg to differ. Eva, I recognise your work in the club and I know you've put a lot of work into it, but the club is mine. I worked that club up from nothing and I know your help was a major influence but the club was a dream. It was a dream for me when I had nothing in prison and I made it into a reality when I came out. I can help you find jobs in high-profile clubs or in the entertainment industry but I want the club. I'll give you some money as a thank you for what you've done in the club if that'll please you,"I told her.

" stamp all over my heart on our wedding day and then you take the club? What is wrong with you?"

"Please Eva. Have the house, have some money, just let me be on my way with my family and my businesses,"I begged her. Of course if it came down to it I'd choose Bey and Shaq over the club but it hadn't come down to that and the club meant so much to me.

" don't have to do this,"she crossed her legs.

"Do what? The quicker we arrange an agreement and draw up a contract for the businesses, the better our lives will be,"I frowned in confusion.

"I mean do this to us. I'm angry right now, but that's only because I'm hurt. I know I'll eventually get over what you did, but I need you by my side. Shawn I love you so much and I don't want to leave what we have behind. We don't need all these people getting involved in our relationship. Things were better when it was just me and you,"she tried to reach for my hand and I pulled away.

"Are you serious? You're crazy, Eva. You better calm yourself down,"I moved my chair backwards.

"Just give it a few months and I know we'll be back to the way we were. A few months without B-"

"Without Beyoncé? The mother of my child? The love of my life? Eva you better pull yourself together. I know I hurt you but step correct. I don't want to be with you at all. I love Beyoncé and that's who I'll be with for the rest of my life. If our relationship was only strong when no one was around us, and it broke down when people were around us then that just shows the toxicity and weakened of what we had, not what we have. I just want to move on with my life."

"And we can move on together. Just walk away from-"

"Don't even finish that sentence because I might say something I'll regret,"I stood up and footed the bill for the both of us. It was obvious that this conversation wasn't going anywhere and she wasn't about to settle with just the house.


"No. I'll have my lawyers draw up a contract for the businesses. There doesn't need to be another conversation. But tell your brother that he looks even uglier in disguise,"I gestured over to Elijah who was sitting at a table wearing glasses, a scarf over his face and a grey hat. It was clear that it was him but he obviously thought he was invisible.

"What? Where?"she turned around and her jaw dropped as she noticed her brother for the first time.

"Goodbye Evana,"I walked away from her.

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