Chapter 11

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Trigger warnings: Swearing/Blood/Violence/Death/Sex/Alcohol 

After his run-in with Nikky and that guy she was with, Kai couldn't shake the feeling something bad was about to happen. He had spent a better part of his night examining the body looking for any clues that would lead him to the Vamp. As the police entered the scene, Kai felt it was best to flee before the cuff him on suspicion.

A few hours later and he had heard of another murder in the bathroom of a bar. Not that that had anything to do with him. But he had checked it out anyway. To his surprise, there was a young girl sitting on the bathrooms counter with bruises on her neck. He had thought it had just been a spat between girls before he took a closer look. He had noticed the way she was sitting as if she was with someone. Her legs were spread wide enough to show her pink panties and her lipstick had been smeared. Upon a closer look, Kai found two small wounds on her neck, making him believe it had been the same Vamp.

Kai was now convinced there was a vamp on a killing spree somewhere out in the city. He wasn't sure of its next target, but he knew it wasn't going to be his sister. No matter how good Ruby was at defending herself, she was no match for this Vamp. He darted out of the bathroom with his phone in his hand dialing his sister's number. When he was met with her voicemail, he hung up and tried again.

It was on his third call that he hung up before he could hear her greeting. Lowering his phone, his mind wandered back to his past. To their childhood. To that one night, Ruby was having a fit at their aunt's place. He had never seen vampire eyes like that. As he stood in the alleyway behind the bar, Kai felt his fear creeping up on him. What if she was the cause of this? What if she had snapped and gone on a killing spree? His hands shook as his mind traveled back in time.

He had just finished another training session and sat on the ground catching his breath. He felt more powerful than ever and was ready to tackle his next mission when his aunt came strolling in. Naomi Blackwell was the second, well third best hunter in the Blackwell family -next to his parents. She was slightly taller than Alice and had short grey hair, which she's had since birth.

Kai had always respected her and looked up to her. However, seeing Naomi there worried him. She usually never went into the training room if he was there. Rising to his feet Kai greeted his aunt. There was something about the way she stood there with her gaze never leaving him. He grew more curious the moment Naomi stood in a ready position. Her left arm was stretched out and her hand motioned for him to come to her.

Kai had trained with his aunt countless times. Since his fathers passing, Naomi took it upon herself to continue his teachings. He smiled and ran toward her. This time the outcome would be different. This time, Naomi would be the one on the ground. Given that Kai was still only a young adult, and Naomi was a little better than him, his confidence didn't change. This time, he was determined to win.

Their fight lasted a little while. Kai knew his aunt was going easy on him but didn't care. He was enjoying the time with her. He threw a fist at her only to have her catch it and toss him to the ground.

"You'll never win if you keep getting distracted," Naomi declared, "You need to focus or else you'll wind up dead."

"I know, I know," Kai groaned, "I was just so into it. I thought for sure I would win."

"And that's where you lose," Naomi replied, "If you keep letting your mind play tricks on you and let it trick you into believing you've already won, your opponent will find your weakness."

"Yes aunty," Kai replied, "Were you holding back?"

Judging by his aunt's surprised expression, Kai was right. She was holding back. And she still beat him. Letting out a breath, Kai wondered why she would have held back. Something must be up. He stood there waiting for an answer.

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