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Imagine: Asking Peter out on a date. "Hey, Peter!"You callee to him just as he was about to leave. He turned around and smiled you."Yeah?" "I was wondering if...you know, only if you want to, maybe...if you wanted to go out some time?"You played with the bottom of your top. Peter immediately laughed and you looked up at him feeling slightly hurt but trying not to show it. "You crack me up, Y/N."He laughed before patting your shoulder."Bye!" You sighed and started to walk away. Peter was walking down the stairs, obviously he liked you but he was dead set on convincing himself that you had made a joke. It was partly because he thought he wasn't good enough for you but mostly because he was worried about you getting hurt. If Vulture hadn't have been Liz's dad he could've put her in danger to get to Peter. Suddenly Peter felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. "Hey, kid."Peter turned around to see Tony. "Mr Stark."Peter greeted."I was just about to-" Tony ignored his protege and instead turned him around and put his arm around the younger boy's shoulders."You're not an expert with women, are you?" "Well, uh-" "When Y/N asked you out in there she wasn't joking. Did you not sense how nervous she was? I mean use your spidey senses, kid!" "So, she was actually serious!"Peter exclaimed in delight. "Yes! So go tell that girl that you love her!"Tony encouraged.The brunette teen gave his mentor a quizzical look."Or maybe just say yes to that date." "Sure thing!"Peter immediately started running off before turning around."Where is she?!" "First door on your left!"Tony called back. Peter burst into the room where you were talking to Pepper. You both immediately looked at him. You narrowed your eyes."Back, are you?" Peter could tell he'd pissed you off and Pepper stood up."I'm going to leave you two alone." She left but as soon as she did you stood up and made for the door too. "Y/N, wait!"Peter said making you stop in your tracks. "I have nothing to say to you."You told him with your back still turned. The brunette walked round to face you."I'm sorry I thought it was a joke." You rolled your eyes. "But I actually really like you and would love to go on a date. I only wanted to believe you were joking because I don't want you to get hurt." You rolled your eyes again but playfully this time with a little smile."You're an idiot, Parker, but your on for that date." "Great! Great! That's amazing! But right now I've really got to go. Goodbye."You leant forward hesitantly before giving you a quick peck on the cheek. This time while walking down the stairs Peter had a smile of pure joy on his face.