Playlist & A/N

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Just a quick lil disclaimer~

Nightrose, Thornthroat, Redmoon, and Geckospring belong to me. Some of the other characters are a bit more random, but this story was prompted by a warriors rp I created on Discord! So Lost, Cinder, Lightning, Raven, and a few others are all owned by others.

Loststar and Featherstar are owned by x-casey-x  and you can read his origin story on their Wattpad!

Minnowstep is owned by Varninarmo on Instagram ( )

Crowshadow, Sparrowfrost, & Weaselfoot are owned by RedCrave & you can read Weasel's origins on their Wattpad!

Lightningshine and Ravenstone are both owned by Coreomega and you can read Light's origins on their Wattpad, and Raven's is also reportedly in the works!

Finally, Cinderstorm, Ravenheart, and Moonstep are owned by SkyeImagines15 !

Now if you're at all interested to see how Night, Lost, Light, Cindy, or Raven's stories play out or generally just want to join in on the fun and meet some other characters, here is a temporary invite link!

As for the link to the full playlist I threw together for this lil origin story, just copy and go to this link:

Thank y'all for reading!! 💕

Nightstar's CrownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora