Brian || You Have Me

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It was prom night. A very exciting night. You wouldn't be going if you didn't get asked by your boyfriend Josh. So this night was special to you.

You rushed around the room putting your things on and getting your makeup ready. Your dress was really expensive too, but with the help of your brother, Matt, you had manged to save up enough to buy it.

You heard a knock on your door, already knowing it was Matt. "If you take any longer, you're gonna miss the whole thing." You could hear him chuckle a little bit and then walk away.

You ran out of your room with your "emergency" bag. It was really just a purse full of makeup and other girl things just in case.

You met Matt at the front door who smiled at you. "Well, you like nice. Not that i'm hitting on you." He clarified.

"Yeah. I got that." You smiled. "And thanks."

You followed Matt out to the car. "Matt.." You whined.


"Can I drive? Pretty Please?!" You begged, even giving him a puppy-dog face.

He let out a long sigh and reluctantly gave in. "Fine.. But don't wreck my car.." He joked, getting in the passenger seat. You got in the driver's seat.

Matt would have gone to Prom with Val, but she got sick. You asked if he wanted to hang out with you but he said no. And to be honest, you were glad because it would have been a little awkward.

You pulled up to the school and jumped out of the car, excitement rushing through your body. You ran off but managed to hear Matt shout after you, "No later than Midnight!"

You rolled your eyes, giggled, and then ran inside. You looked around for Josh, unable to find him. He probably just wasn't there yet. You noticed all your friends busy talking or dancing so you leaned against the wall, waiting for Josh.

After about 20 minutes, you noticed a familiar figure on the dancefloor. Josh. And he was dancing with another girl. You felt your heart drop. And then he kissed her. And then your heart shattered.

You ran outside and began crying. You didnt care who saw you or if it was prom night. The boy you thought loved you, was cheating on you.

You had began to text Matt to come pick you up when a figure stepped into the light. He seemed familiar, but it was too dark to tell who it was. You ignored it and continued to text.

Suddenly the figure stepped closer, and you immediately recognized him. Brian Haner. You didnt realize until know just how much you loved him. Which was a lot.

You tried to ignore him, but he stood out so much. You sighed, crossed your arms, and put your phone in your pocket. You could still feel tears falling down your face and you tried to hide your face, thinking of how bad tour makeup must have looked.

"You don't have to hide from me (y/n). What's wrong?" He said, his words calming you. You tried so hard not to acknowledge him, but you couldn't. You felt your face heat up and you turned pink.

"You really wanna know?" You replied, realizing how rude you just sounded.

"Yeah.." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. He didnt seem to care about how you sounded. He really seemed to care about you.

"Ok well.. My boyfriend," you put air quotes around "boyfriend" to emphasize. "was dancing with and kissing another girl.. And he said tonight would be special.. Maybe for him and his new girlfriend.." It felt nice to have someone to talk to.

Brian hugged you. "Well, just know, if you ever wanna talk to anyone.. You have me."


"I like you.. Love you.. And I can tell by the way you blushed just then.. You feel the same." Brian said, stepping closer. You could already tell what was about to happen next.

Slowly, Brian got closer and then pulled you in for a kiss. He quickly blushed and pulled away.
"Wait.." You said, pulling him in for another longer, more passionate kiss.

You hadn't even realized what time it was when you heard Matt honking. He couldnt see you so you wondered how long he'd been there waiting. You checked the time. 12:15 AM.

"Brian I.. I have to go.." You said, not wanting to leave. You kissed Brian one last time and then smiled, running out to Matt's car and getting in.

You smiled and all you could think of was Brian.

"How was Prom?" Math asked, glancing at you for a second.


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