Zacky || Dear Diary

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*So like, I used the same pic as the original because when I wrote this the first time, that's the Zack I imagine. But you can imagine whatever era Zack you want. Also, Zack is a nerd in this story :3*

It was a sunny day. It was also hot outside. The school day had just ended so you had began your walk home. It wasn't a long walk, just past the park. You didnt mind walking home either. It was actually a good excericise since your gym teacher said you needed to be more active.

On your way past the park, you saw Zack sitting on the park bench. He was sitting alone holding some sort of journal or Diary. You went over and sat next to him.

You and Zack (and the other guys) had been friends since elementary, so you told each other everything. Except, as soon as you began high school (you were in 11th grade now), Zacky had become more shy towards you. You tried to find out why and whenever you asked the guys, they would always just answer with,"Well, we could tell you but.. We should let Zack do it."

You sat next to him and he looked at you, awkwardly smiling. "Oh.. H-hey (y/n).."

"Hey Zack.." You said, looking at the book in his hand. "What's that?"

"Oh.. My journal.. Nothing important though.." He said, blushing and quickly staring down at the ground.

"I know it might be personal but.. Can I.." You paused, holding your hand out like he was expecting to hand it to you. "Can I see it?" *Yes, I'm aware that asking for someone's Diary is rude but you two are best friends so..*

He hesitated before handing it to you. You opened it to the newest entry and began reading.

"Dear Diary, today I worked on an English project with (y/n).. It was hard to focus. She's too distracting. I love her so much.. But I'm sure she never would feel the same about me. On our walk home yesterday, she gave me a flower. I taped it to this page so I'll always have it. It smelt exactly like her too. Isn't that crazy? Anyways, gotta go.."

You closed the notebook and sighed. He was such a nerd. It was so adorable. But you were surprised he felt that way about you. That was why he was so silent all the time..

You handed it back to him and smiled. You made eye contact for a few seconds and then both looked down at the ground.

"I didnt know you felt that way about me.." You said, your face turning pink.

"You probably don't feel the same way though.." He said, letting out a long sigh.

"If I didn't love you back, would I be doing this?" You smiled and kissed him for a few moments.

Avenged Sevenfold One-Shots *REWRITES*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ