Zacky || Stole My Heart

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It was getting dark as you made your way home from your daily walk. You walked around town everyday, just for fun. Your stroll was usually boring because you had no one to stop and talk to.

You walked past a dark alley everyday. It was the most active alley for crimes and such so you hated walking past it, but you had to in order for your trip home to remain short.

Today happened to be your unlucky day. Right as you walked past the alley, some stranger pulled you into the alley and held a knife to your throat. You gasped for air as the man stared you down with a creepy smirk.

"Got snything of interest?" He asked. You struggled to speak as your vision became more blurry.

"What.. Do you mean.. "Of interest"?" You gasped for breath, already knowing what the creep had meant. You were just trying to buy time.

"Oh I think we both know.." He said, rubbing the side of your face with his backhand.

You slid down against the wall to the ground, coughing and quickly regaining your breath as the stranger was pulled aside. You watched him fall to the ground, unconscious, as he had gotten punched pretty hard. It even sounded painful.

You saw a hand reaching out to you and you grabbed it, being pulled up. You looked at your savior. Zachary Baker. You blushed a little, embarrassed by that whole situation.

"You ok?" He asked, looking at you for any signs of injuries.

You simply nodded and followed as he began to walk away.

"Thanks.. For saving me.." You said, walking next to Zacky.

"No problem." He replied and smiled at you.

See, you had a crush on him. And it's been there since you were in 7th grade. But you both graduated together almost 10 years ago. Regardless, you and Zacky were best friends, and always have been, so it was hard to keep your feelings a secret.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked. You loved the sound of his voice. You hesitated a moment before replying.

"You really don't have to.. I only live a block away.." But you could already tell he was going to, regardless of what you said.

"I'll walk you anyways." He smiled again, both of you blushing a small bit.

When you arrived at your house, you expected Zacky to leave, but he kind of invited himself in. You should have been used to it because for one, you were friends so it happened a lot, and for two, all the others did it constantly.

You watched as he sat on the couch. Then you made your way to the kitchen. You could hear your brother Brian practicing guitar in his room down the hall.

You opened the fridge, grabbing waters for you and Zack. You didnt even ask if he wanted a drink, but you grabbed one anyways.

You sat down next to Zack, handing him the water. He smiled. "Thanks."

You nodded and looked down at the floor, too nervous to talk.

"So uh.. (y/n).. Can I tell you something?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck. You nodded and watched as his face turned red. You quickly looked away as he began to speak again. "Uh.. So.. I like you.. More than a friend.. And.." He paused. You could tell he was nervous and emberassed.

"I should probably tell you.. I do too.. I was just nervous you didnt feel the same.." You spoke, staring into his green eyes.

There was a long pause before you leaned in and kissed Zacky. Of course, it didnt last long, as Brian was standing in the doorway, smiling. "I knew it! I knew you liked each other!"

This caused both of you (you and Zacky) to turn red. You rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at Brian, watching as he retreated back to his room. Then you and Zacky kissed again.

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