Emma Bucket

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My name is Emma Bucket. My family, especially my little brother, Charlie, would sometimes call me 'Em' or 'Emmy'. I'm twenty-eight years old, with shoulder-length wavy chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. I was described by my family as a selfless, kind, loving, caring, polite, sweet, and protective person. But sometimes, I can be a little bit shy and awkward.

I live with my parents, my little brother, and my bedridden grandparents in our small ramshackle house, which was a few blocks away from Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. We were not rich, powerful, or well connected. We barely had plenty to eat as we ate cabbage soup almost every day, which I didn't mind at all.

My father worked at a local toothpaste factory, where he places toothpaste caps on top of the toothpaste, while my mother stayed home to watch over my grandparents and Charlie after he gets home from school if I have to sometimes work overtime. I love my little brother so much and I'm very protective of him. I would even walk home with him when he was done with school whenever I get off work early.

I work at a local mini candy store that's located two blocks away from my house. Even though the paying was very little, I still enjoyed my job. I love the smell of chocolate whenever I entered through the door, my boss, Ron, is really nice, and I love seeing parents with their children walking around the store and buy candy, especially buying Wonka chocolate bars, which were very popular. Unfortunately, I couldn't be able to buy a Wonka bar, not even for Charlie, since I give all of my wages to my family to help support them.

Whenever Charlie and I see a Wonka chocolate bar or a poster, we would always talk about what it would be like to meet the famous chocolatier, Willy Wonka. It was always our dream to do that. Even when I was little whenever I heard stories from Grandpa Joe, who worked with Wonka a long time ago.

But we both knew that it probably wouldn't happen. I wanted to make our dream come true. I just hoped and prayed that one day, our dream will finally come true.

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