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swing ; columpio

ill rewrite this too i swear once im not lazy yuck

you think you're going so high
but really just at the top of the bottom

you think you're topping off the charts
you were never in them anyways

you were wondering why
the grass stopped singing
why the birds stopped chirping
you really loved them
more than you loved yourself

what you didnt know was that
you killed the grass
from the many times u stepped on it
to push yourself off the ground
the birds
they were mocking you

when i first saw you
on the swingset
my heart was swinging
left and right left and right
so i crept up behind you
gave you all the power,
all the strength i had
to push you higher
even if it meant
i wouldnt have any strength left
to push myself high

you swung
higher than the birds
you never touched the ground again
higher than the trees
you were happy
higher than the mountains
you were grinning

and so i was grinning too

you were the king
of the hills
of the forest
of the land
but i wasn't the queen

and that's okay

you made those trees
the queen
for giving you the power
to go higher

while really they were
crushing you with their
malicious branches

but that's okay

you swung back
guess who was standing behind
like a fool
admiring you
quietly, secretly

guess who the hell
swung back

you did

i swung back
destroyed the grass
had the birds mock me

the demons inside your brain
was now mine

shouldve seen it
shouldve known it

but that's okay

you're still a king
and you're still happy

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