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gone ; disparue

knock knock
open the door please
i am begging you to come out
with your bright little smile

i know it's hard baby
to open the door again
when i slammed it shut
and walked out of your heart

the door creaks open
and you weren't there
blinded by the darkness
as silence hung in the empty space

the dust begins to form
on the little furniture left neat
patches on the walls
where happy moments hung

your family were gone
and so were you
what was left of the red sofa
we used to always sit on
was scratches marks on the wooden floor

rub my eyes and pinch me awake

i was told
everyone wants to leave a mark
in the world
but i never wanted to leave one like this
i never wanted to leave a mark
which had anything to do with you leaving me

why did you come here
what were you expecting

your eyes were never going to meet
that warm irises of hers
ever again
her hands were never going to
hold onto you
ever again
her lips would never going to
ask you why
you were drunk
yet again
you never answered.

and if she asks you why again,
you'd say i'm sorry.
you'd cry on her shoulder.
you'd wrap your arms around her waist
and kiss her tears away.

if loving her was a sin
you'd be the bloody devil

to be continued - taking a break

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