Izuku Midoriya

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Cuddle Night

You decided to have Izuku spend together in your dorm room, after all you guys are dating. You gotta spend time with your cinnamon roll boyfriend. You were watching (favorite TV show) until you heard a knock coming from your door, you closed your show. Sad that you can't continue that awesome episode. You groaned as you walked to the door.

You twisted the door knob; seeing a familliar verdant colored hair and a pair of verdant eyes. You let a soft sigh and hugged Izuku. He hugged back as you both hugged for the longest minute, you knew you missed him even though you guys are in the same class. It was silly. You hugged him tighter. He pulled away and caressed your cheek and pulled you into a passionate kiss. (Meanwhile Uraraka crying in the background- jk she's taking pictures, she ships it👌🏻)

You both pulled away to catch some air (or breath, idk anymore *flips table*)
"Since when are you so romantic?" Izuku's face turns red and looks away. "I was reading a book about how to take care of your girlfriend properly". 'Aww,that's so sweet' you thought.

You nodded, smiling, you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside your dorm room. He immediatly sat down on your bed, grabbing your (any stuff toy) and hold it onto his chest. Smelling the fragrance of you because you used this to sleep (I'm sorry if you don't, I don't either but I thought this could be cute)
You let a small laughter and flopped on your bed making him laugh. You sat up straight and turned on the TV. You started scrolling some movies and shows in Netflix. "Sooo what do you want?"

"I want you"

Your face turns bright red

'damnn! That's smooth af! Where did he get that? Probably from the book he read'

"I-I mean" correcting yourself "What do you want to watch?" getting nervous for his answer 'He's supposed to get flustered! Not me! This is unfair' he shrugged "I don't know, I'll watch anything you watch" you smiled "Then let's continue that show you disturbed me!" He laughed at your response. You clicked on your favorite show. You were clutching to your pillow because you know a funny part may begin. As you were so engrossed to your show, Izuku scoothed over to you as he put his arm around you. You felt his touch and your focused on your show disappeared as you look up and met a pair of verdant eyes. He smirked and you felt butterflies in your stomach as your face heats up. 'MY HEART IS NOT READY WITH THIS FLIRTY IZUKU'

"Stop staring at me and cuddle with me" Izuku pleaded. You gave in and hugged him for the rest of the night.

"You better not use that book of yours, it's making my heart race" you pouted.

"Well that's good" he said confidently as he kissed your forehead.

BNHA x Reader Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن