Izuku Midoriya

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[I have a new writing style due to the blank bar rip]

(Take a ride and survive this roller-coaster of emotion)

{IT'S VERY DEEP BTW and alittle angsty? But if you don't like to read about Mental Disorders then I sugesst to skip this one}


You lay on your bed, thinking on what should you do. You tried your best to lull yourself to sleep but you couldn't. You have these thoughts and the 'what if' questions running and roaming inside your head. You feel very dizzy. It's just like your world is crashing down on you due to your anxiousness. You wanted to scream. You knew you needed help but you didn't want to. Fearing if you're to going to get cured or not.

You grabbed your phone from your bed side table and fiddled with it, thinking on what to do. You decided to call Izuku, your boyfriend. He knew what you were going through so you decided to ask help from him. You dialed his number; placing the phone on your ear. Hearing the ringtone and waiting for his answer.

"Hello?" He picked up.

"Hey, can you come over? I'm having an anxiety attack again and it's not mild"

He panicked through the phone. You always had anxiety attacks that were mild, not extreme.

"H-hang on, h-how're you feeling right now?" You explained to him on what you were going through.

'This is not what I was expecting from her..' Izuku thought.

"I-I'll get anything!..I-is there anything you need?" You silently laughed. "Izuku, I'm not on my period" you frowned. You tried to smile but you can't.

"I just want company"

There was deep silence.

He sighed through the phone and said "I'm on my way".


You silently waited, you stood up; walked to one of your bookshelves and took a book you wanted to read when you have panic attacks. Sometimes, listening to musicals also helps but right now, it's not. You placed back the book to where it belongs and you fell on your knees, clutching onto them. You curled up into a ball to prevent you from shaking. Your thoughts roam back to it's place and started running. You wanted to breathe but it seems like you can't find your breath back.

'It's going to be alright, everything is fine'

But everything is not fine.

You kept on thinking that you are fine and Izuku's coming here any minute, but your anxiety doesn't care. You screamed as your eyes welled up in tears (I think it means that you're about to cry, right? lol) and starts to fall. You wanted to escape from this anxious world you're feeling. 'Till you heard a knock coming from your apartment. You couldn't stand up so you stayed at your position.

The knocking became louder. "Hey! Y/n! Open up!!" You thought that you gave him the extra keys to your apartment.
You heard keys shake as the door bust open and to your surprise, Izuku ran up to you and hugged you tightly. He pulled away from the hug and wiped your tears from your face as he smiles with content. "Being here with you is beautiful but you having your anxiety attacks is somewhat you have to be scared about" He laughed to himself as you stayed silent. Your mouth was a thin line, you were afraid on what you were about to say. Let's say, you're afraid of the saying "Slip of the Tounge" it's basically where you say something, you're not supposed to. You would aways stay silent and think on your upcoming sentence.

Your mouth began to open.

"I'm always afraid. It's oftenly uncomfortable. It's where your emotions are mixed up. Imagine your happines is around 20%, your sadness collaborated with anger making it 40% but your fear level is so high not even numbers can count."

Izuku frowned, he knew you were going to say deep stuff when you're having an attack but not this deep. He placed a hand on your forehead, he felt the hotness radiating off of you. "I think you need rest" he sighed. "I can't even sleep"

His eyes widen. He felt really worried about you. He took your hand and tried to get you to stand up which took about 10 minutes. He led you to your bedroom and made you sit down on the bed. "Calm yourself, take a breath. Inhale and exhale" You did as you were told and slowly you were regaining your breath back.

As you regain your breath back, he smiled softly and went out of the door to get water. When he came back, he placed the mug on your hands to hold it. You slowly raised the mug to your mouth thinking if the water was tampered. You drank it and you placed the mug down on your bed side table.

"Thank you..for everything, Izuku..I appreciate it." You finally put a smile on your face as he smiled back too. You always wondered if his smile still blinds you. You patted at the side of the bed signalling him to sit down, he sat down as you pulled the blankets to you. "You promise, you'll stay by my side? Even while sleeping?" He nodded as you felt relief washed over you. You were extreamly tired so you were fast asleep.

/The Next Day\

Your mind has finally awoken and you felt this heavy weight on your bed. Your eyes lid up as you found yourself being tightly hugged on your waist from behind as your feet were tangled with Izuku's. Your lips form into a small smile as you drift off to sleep again, not wanting to ruin the moment. You were finally awake and to your surprise, Izuku was not there. You panicked. You regained your breath to prevent yourself from having an attack again. As you finally calmed yourself. You called out his name.


No answer.

"Izuku?" You said alittle louder. You heard a hum in response as Izuku walked to the room, a towel wrapped around his neck. He only has shorts on and is shirtless. You wanted die at that spot. You covered your red face with yours hands as you felt Izuku smirking. "Like what you see?" Your eyes widened in surprise as you put your hands away from your face. You looked down. "What happened to the innocent cinnamon roll I knew" you pouted.

You heard his angelic laugh. You really wanted to die. "You know," he said while walking up to you as he held your chin up to face him as he carressed your chin. "The cinnamon roll can burn too"

You felt your face heat up, you snatched the nearest item you cound find and slapped him in the face with it. As he laughed again. "You're so smooth! It hurts!" You were really embarrased and angry at the same time.

His laugh was getting louder. He repositioned himself to sat infront of you. "You looked like a cute strawberry" your face gets really warm, he leans in closer and whispers in your ear. You felt your spine shivered down as you heard his deep voice (he doesn't have a deep voice okay? But this is just too perfect sksks)

"That I can eat".

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