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the part where her nightmares began

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the part where her nightmares began..

Kennedy couldn't even shut her eyes without the images of last month haunting her dreams.

The smell of burning flesh, the sound of the faint, painful chokes, the feeling of undeniable pain rushing through her veins, the memories of her twin- her other half- burning to death in front of her.

Without her being able to do a damn thing about it- seeing as she had been locked out by magic.

A simple boundary spell.

It had been the most painful month of her entire thousand years of life; and no one could ever understand.

No one understood the bond they shared.

She remembered a time when they were twelve: they had been playing in the woods on the outskirts of their village.

It was getting dark, owls were beginning to hoot and her brother wanted to practice his magic.

It was simple.
All he had to say were two little Latin words.

Phesmatos Incendia.

He felt it seconds before the dark haired child.

A burning sensation on his foot as the leaves beneath her began to light aflame.

He'd never felt as guilty in his life than he did in that moment.

And when he had to explain to their mother why his sister was a sobbing mess and why her leather moccasin was burnt to a crisp; Kol Mikaelson broke down along side her.

Why hadn't it have been her?
She didn't deserve to live her life while her twin lost his.

She had lived long enough.

He was finally free from the confinement of his coffin their older brother had so-lovingly kept him in for almost a century.

He didn't even have enough time to truly live...

Kennedy had long been through the first four stages of grief..

The shock and denial: she had truly believed- even three weeks after he was killed, that it had all be a ruse by the Scooby Gang.

That he wasn't really dead; just in another decade-long sleep.

But then the images of his burning body pushed their way through her brain.

That's where stage two came in.

The pain and the guilt ate at her for that entire month; the green eyed girl crying herself to sleep each night, then waking up the same way as she was rudely interrupted by the horrific images.

The most dangerous stage was the anger.

Kennedy desperately screamed at the sky each night of her walks around town for 31 days; asking virtually no one why it wasn't her.

Kol was an unpredictable Original vampire who fed off chaos and strife; but he was also a caring, understanding, amazing twin brother to Kennedy- if anyone deserved to die, it was her.

The things she'd done in her life made Kol look like the pope.

Though the shock, denial and and guilt seemed to fade away with time; the forever- twenty-three year old seemed to only feel anger and pain at her loss.

She'd lost a piece of her- an intricate piece to life.

She had nothing else to live for- to be good for..

But only the gods above- and Kol from the other side- knew that that was about to change.

They were sending her a guardian angel, in the shape of a five foot three brunette with enchanting blue eyes and anger issues.

Right. Her. Way.

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