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*Two Days Earlier*

Percy was just chilaxing. Nothing was really happening. That was until he heard a knock on the door.

Standing to open it, Percy had a weird feeling about it. He opened it anyways. There stood a tall blond man in a nice, brand new suit.

"Dude, I don't know who your looking for, but I think you're on the wrong side of the city", The demigod motioned at the man's outfit.

"I'm looking for a Perseus Jackson", The man said, "I have been sent by your Grandfather"

"My grandfather is dead", Percy said.

"No, he is very much alive. He's looking for you, and his daughter"

"His daughter?"

"Your mother"

"Why don't you come in?", The son of Poseidon offered curious about this man.

The man thanked him and walked in. "I'm assuming you're Perseus"

"Percy, but yes. Who might you be?"

"Lucius Malfoy", He said holding his hand out. Percy took it, "Nice to meet you. Please sit down. "

He did. The demigod sat across from him, "You have 20 minutes to explain. After that my mother, stepfather, and baby sister will be back, and you'll have to leave"

The other man nodded. " This is going to confuse you, but please don't ask questions until I'm done. The thing is, your grandfather is a wizard. He and grandmother weren't together very long. Just long enough for Sally Riddle to be born. You see that's your Mum's original name. It was changed when her mom married her stepfather. Your mother doesn't have any magical potential, but you do. You're a wizard, Percy"

"I have a wizard grandpa and I'm a wizard too?", He said trying to wrap his mind around this.

"Yes, now Percy, many people consider your grandfather an evil man. He simply is just fighting for what he believes in. It just so happens that he's done some bad things along the way I will not deny this, but it is for the best"

"What kinds of bad things?"

"Murder mostly. Do not let that put you off though, He has only done what is necessary to right the wrongs caused by others. I need you to keep an open mind"

Percy would be a bit of hypocrite for saying anything against murder, but then again he didn't really kill people.
"Murder? How many has he killed?"

"Hundreds. Mostly half-breeds and monsters. Please note that these monsters are not pleasant. He has killed people too, but these people deserved to die. They committed heinous crimes", The deatheater explained. He was hoping to make Voldemort seem as nice as he could with out lying. That was the deal. No lying, Perseus must join on his own.

"Monsters?", He really couldn't say anything about that, the people on the other hand he had a problem with. But apparently they did something bad, who knows. "Look, I'll come", He said before he could stop himself, "But I have to talk to my mom"

"That is completely understandable. Now, I will not be the one coming to get you. There is another group of people, the Order of The Phoenix, they will be coming for you in two days time. I know this because your Grandfather planted the idea in their leaders head, don't ask how, you must go with them. Earn their trust, but remember that you are their enemy", Malfoy said quickly.

"Gotcha, now leave, my mom will be back soon", Percy said. He led the man back to his door.

Sally, Paul, and Estelle were back minutes afterward. Percy explained what happened to her mother, leaving out the murder part, she agreed that it might be best if he went.

*Four Days After That*

Percy said his goodbyes to everyone at camp. Annabeth threatened him, but let him go. You see they broke up a few months ago, it just wasn't working, it was mutual.

Dumbledore came to pick him up at his apartment. He gave the demigod time to say goodbye to his family and then they left. They apparated to the headquarters. 

Surprisingly enough, the portrait of Sirius' mother didn't begin to scream when Percy knocked over the umbrella stand. He saw a pink haired woman laughing at this.
"Sorry", he said to Dumbledore.

"It's perfectly fine. Let's go introduce you to everyone", He led him to a big room. Percy figured that it was a dining room/kitchen. There were several people sitting in there.

"Hello, Everyone, this is Perseus Jackson", The older man said.

"Percy, I prefer Percy, thanks", He said a bit shy.

"You-know-who's grandson", The twins asked.

"Yes. Do not worry though, he's perfectly safe", The older man said, to which both Sirius and Remiss snorted, but they grinned slightly, "Nice to see you eye reader", Sirius said sarcastically.
"Yes, please tell us what you see in our souls", Remiss continued. This confused the other people, but Percy laughed.

"Funny, real funny", He said.

"I like to think I'm funny. Do you think I'm funny, Remiss?"

"You're a lot of things Sirius, Funny isn't one of the adjectives I'd use", The werewolf said smiling at his friend.

"What adjectives would you use then?"

"I don't think you'd want to know". During this exchange the two seemed to be getting closer together. Percy seemed to be the only one who noticed.

They can't Siriusly all be that oblivious right?, He thought to himself.

"Well, I'm Molly Weasley, these are my kids, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. My other three are gone right now. My husband Arthur should be home soon", A plump woman with red hair said.

"I'm Harry Potter", Said a kid who was glaring at Percy.

"And I'm Hermione Granger", A bushy haired teen said, sticking her hand out. Percy shook it.

"It's nice to meet all of you. Now I know all of you have something against my grandfather, but I am not him. I swear", The Son Of Poseidon said.

"Of course not, we'll give you a chance", Molly said.

Percy smiled, but inside he was smirking, maybe fooling them wouldn't be that hard.

Word Count: 1022

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