When you fight

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This one has some stuff including cutting so if you are uncomfortable with that then please skip this chapter.


When you and Garroth fight he usually goes over to the guys house for a day or two to cool off where as with you, you'll lock yourself in your room for about a day until finally come out to get something to eat.

Laurence~ When you and him fight he will stay in a hotel for a week or so to just cool off, as for you, you  will just cry in a corner and won't eat anything you'll just isolate yourself in your room afraid that he will find someone better.


When you two fight Zane will head over to Aphmau's house (because in this Aph has her own place and her and Aaron aren't together) to play ponies with her But for you, you'll put on one of his hoodies and cry in bed.


Aaron he will head over to his parent's house to be able to calm down while trying to spend time with his family where as you will cut your wrists saying that it was your fault.


You and him don't fight because you trust each other.


When you two fight all hell comes loose, let's just say that's why you guys can't have nice things but no one really knows what actually happens all people hear are yelling and things being broken.


When you and Travis fight he will stay with the guys for 4 weeks to cool off where as for you, you will head over to the gym to use their punching bags to let out all of your anger and stress.

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