Family Issues

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A/N~ This was requested by COLBY1BROCK1STAR

Make sure to follow her Wattpad! Hope you like it! Also MERRY CHRISTMAS! 🎁🎄 

(Just want to clarify that when you and your family get into a fight, it's not just a bunch of idiots screaming at each other like how some normal fights happen, you guys get a little physical with each other meaning hitting, punching, etc....)


- He would freak out not knowing what to do

- He would Hug you and tell you everything is going to be alright 

- He would also check to make sure you weren't hurt

- He tells himself that he's not going to cry with you

- But he fails miserably and ends up crying

- Honestly it makes you laugh a little 

- And so you two just end cuddling with each other while Garroth tells you jokes

- Even though Garroth's jokes are horrible, you laugh anyways


- He immediately gets out the med kit and tends to any wounds you may have 

- He then let's you cry into his shoulder as he whispers sweet nothings into you ears

- He lets you cuddle with him while he tells you funny moments from when he was a kid


- He gets a plate of cupcakes, and turns on MLH for the both of you

- He lets you cuddle with him

- Heck, he even lets you play with his hair

- You put his hair up into a man bun

- You love it, he absolutely hates it but he lets you do it anyways because he loves you


- He tends to any wounds you may have

- He lets you see him without his mask because he know you like to see his eyes

- He cooks something to eat for the both of you while you choose a movie for the both of you to watch

- You two end up watching f/m (favorite movie) while eating and drinking soda


- He takes you to the park 

- Both of you climb a tree and just sit and talk

- Later he would take you for ice cream 

- He would also take you to an arcade 

- At the arcade he won a giant f/c teddy bear for you

- You kisses him as a thank you 

- He was a blushing mess


- He would use pick up lines on you which would always make you laugh 

- You two would end up drawing on Garroth's face while he was asleep 

- Garroth was pretty mad about that

- But hey it made you happy to cause mischief and as long as your happy that's all that Dante cares about


- You guesses it, he takes you out for tacos 

- He also buys you a taco plush because why not

- He shows you Aphmau's  taco cat video

- The video makes you smile because you know Travis is trying his hardest to make you happy

~ Taco cat video

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