Chapter 6

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The agents had fled to Bunker Hill and spent a few days beneath a shop in a tunnel that was used for storage and the hiding of synths. Bunker Hill was helpful to the Railroad's cause but its mayor Kessler warned them not to overstay their welcome. Any number of caravan workers or the like could have seen the group of agents enter the city and if the Brotherhood searched it, it would be no difficult task to find them.

Eventually, a new safehouse had been established in the Hardware Town outside of Diamond City. Three entrances made things dangerous but the tunnels beneath were fairly spacious. It would do for now, Dez told everyone.

Danse had been away almost a month, undergoing and recovering from his plastic surgery. Nora spent her time taking shooting lessons from Glory, who insisted sneaking was for the weak of heart. Contrarily, Deacon trained her in stealth, like the use of disguises, which he apparently used often. When she realized he was bald, Nora bit her tongue but Deacon laughed at her obvious opinion. The two had become friends and she admired his humor in the face of what could have been a grave tragedy.

Deacon was cautious with most things but not enough when it came to Nora. He told himself it was fine. They were associates. She needed to be taught and the time they spent together was merely out of necessity. He hadn't noticed he started lying to himself too.

She was clever and learned quickly. The way she talked about the Old World was enticing. It sounded like a dream to Deacon. He had wonderful tales to tell her as well, like the time he was a fire-breather for a circus in New Vegas or when he killed a Deathclaw with one sniper shot up its nose from 3,400 yards. She was fascinated, and an easy target for his bad habit. Anything seemed reasonable in the wild Wastelands and she was credulous. He lied to impress her and it seemed to be working. Every dinnertime, when the agents would gather, two seats were always kept open for Deacon and Wanderer to sit side-by-side. Everyone knew they liked to sit together to exchange stories and everyone enjoyed eavesdropping as they ate.

Things at Hardware Town weren't so bad. At the Old North Church, the terminals were probably destroyed, paperwork lost, weeks worth of supplies gone, weapons left to be claimed by the enemy... At least P.A.M. had made it out safely with all the information she had backlogged. She was left to guard the main room, and retrieved when Nora and the others escaped through the back tunnel thanks to Rhys.

Danse had voiced worry for Rhys. It was almost certain the stairwell would be checked and the Railroad headquarters found. The consequences for lying would be severe. Yet again, someone risked their rank and their life for him.

He approached the cellar door of Hardware Town with Drummer Boy who opened it after making sure the coast was clear. He helped Danse down the steps. The synth's face was still bandaged and it was difficult for him to look down at his unsure feet.

When Nora realized it was him, she set down her dinner tray with a clang and rushed over. Several others joined her but Deacon remained seated, mid-story.

"Alright, give the man some space," Drummer said to the gathering agents. Danse had become quite popular and regarded as a hero for fighting off fifty Brotherhood soldiers before retreating to Bunker Hill with them. That's what Deacon had sold anyway.

"How d'ya feel, Michael?" asked an eager agent.

His deep voice remained the same and Nora smiled at the sound of it from the back of the crowd. "Like a balloon." The bandages hid severe swelling and his skin ached beneath them.

Nora made her way past the other agents and took Danse's arm as Drummer took the other. They led him to a mattress raised on pallets in a nook. He groaned from exhaustion as the bed shaped around him. Thankfully, he and Drummer had not run into any trouble while traveling from the surgeon but the pain-killers and the aching weighed on him on top of the trek itself.

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