The Victory Party - Part One

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Charlotte's POV

Class finally ended. It's such a boring day.

Oh right, my name is Charlotte Baker. Everyone says I have a nice body. I have medium length blonde hair.

I run every morning and evening, so my six-packs are coming back.
Oh, and yeah, my past isn't a good one.

When I was in elementary school, I was fat and my hair was so greasy you could make oil out of it. But now, everything's different. I go to Hamilton High School in Brownsville, Texas.
I have a BFF, her name is Evangeline Cooper, and I must say, we're pretty known at our school.

A lot of boys are following us around school (well, it's not weird, look at us... joke).

The only ones that don't know us, at least that's what we think, are the school's volleyball team, the Dragons.

They're like, really famous, and every girl wants to date them. I don't like to admit it, cause I don't wanna be like the others, but these guys are really hot.

And, you won't believe me, Travis Holt, the leader of the Dragons, invited us to a victory party yesterday in the hallway.

I'm still trying to figure out what to wear, blue or red?

Red is more attractive, but blue... Oh no! I hope you didn't get that wrong, I don't like Travis at all.

My crush is Cole. He is the opposite hitter, attacker.

In ten minutes, I'll meet with Evie.

Oh no!



That means that the party starts in 3 whole hours. At six.

Mom and dad have been telling me that I can't drink alcohol at the party since yesterday, I mean, like I'm not smart enough to know that.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yeah, that's Evie. She never picks the right time.

"Hi, to you too, Evie!"

Right as I said that, the bus came.
Oh no!

Fat Cornelia is sitting in my spot. I never use that nickname, by the way.

Oh no! Are you serious?

My ex, Josh is sitting behind her.
He's stalking me 24/7. Is it so hard to understand that we're finished?

Evie and I sit on the only free spaces and as far away as possible from Josh.

"Did you pick a dress yet?" asks Evie.

I can never lie to Evie, cause she knows me so well, so I tell her the truth.

"No, did you?"

Something about the look on her face tells me, she didn't.

"No, do you even know how hard that is?" she says.

Ha! I knew it!

"At 5 PM at my place!! I have a perfect dress for you!" I say to her proudly, cause I have a dress in her favorite color. Black.

At last, I'm home!

"Char, come to my bedroom. Now!"

Again? What did I do?

"Yah, mommy." I said.

When I step in the room, I see a beautiful white dress on my parent's bed. My eyes almost fall out of my eye sockets. Under the dress, there are wonderful shoes. High hills. Wow!

"Early birthday present!" my mom says excitedly.

I jump to my mom's embrace, and hug her tighter, than the time she bought me the new iPhone.

"That's the best gift ever! Thanks mommy!"

I give her a big kiss on the cheek, when the doorbell rings.

I yell to my brother: "Johnny, open the door!"

In a few seconds, Evie appears in front of mom's room.

"Well, didn't you say, you have a dress for me?" Evie says, "the party starts in an hour! Come on, move it!"

I take my dress and shoes and take Evie to my room.

"Oh no, I don't have enough time to shower, right?"

Evie answers: "No, but you do have time to do your makeup."

Okay, she's right...

I quickly sat down at my makeup desk and stayed there for the next half hour.

"C'mon, Charlie! Hurry up! The party starts in 30 minutes." Evie says.

I give her the dress and whine.

"Why didn't you come sooner?" I ask her. Even though, deep inside of me I know it was me, who told her to come at five.

I quickly put the very tight white dress on. I like it!

We put on our shoes and leave.

We arrived. My uncle Christian drove us here.

In front of us, there was a sea of people, and I can't believe it. There was also Cole.

We got out of the car, and I noticed that I wasn't the only nervous one. Evie's hands were shaking, like always when she was nervous.

Now, I know why. Next to us was Timothy, talking to Travis.

When Timothy quickly turned around, wow, how close they were to each other. I think that they even touched with their noses.

Evie stepped back.

"Hey, Evie! Would you like to dance?" Tim asked her.

Evie nodded while shaking and she was gone, just like that.

I decided to go get a drink. Then I sat on the chair next to the outside hitter Lars. Eeeeeeee!!

Cole sat down next to me and I didn't know what to do.

My tight dress slid up. Oh no, I think a bit of my panties is visible.

I quickly get up and run to the bathroom, when someone grabs me by my wrist.

I turn around. Josh is so close. He kisses me. I push him away, but he doesn't let me go.
When, all of a sudden, he jumps away from me. That's weird.

He falls to the ground. Cole is standing behind him.

I don't know what to do, hug him because he saved me, or run away from all the shame.

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