My Life's Falling Apart!

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Charlotte's POV

I can't believe it.
Cole asked me if I'd like to go out to dinner with him. Then Madison came and our moment was ruined.
Okay, I'll move... What a bitch!


Oh, wait... What is that? People are screaming.

I quickly ran to the living room of the house, from where I hear the screams, and light flashes in front of my eyes.

I can't even believe it. Is that Evie? No.
I run over to her and my eyes fill up with tears, but people just keep staring. Anger and panic are filling me up, so I start yelling: "Call the ambulance! Somebody call the ambulance!!"
I look for my phone and pressed a number. I didn't even know who I'm calling, I was just calling. Then her dad picked up.

I quickly tell him what's happened. When he came, the paramedics take Evie to the medical vehicle, but they didn't let me in. My face was soaked in tears. The panic fades away and I start looking for Tim.

After 5 minutes, I finally spot him. He's at the mini bar, talking to Cole. I'm too angry for the fact that Cole is there, to stop me.
I don't even know how, when and why I started pushing Tim.
All of a sudden, strong arms grab me and pull me into a hug. I push away. But the arms lift me up and carry me away. I don't know who it was, but I'm so angry, I could kill him.

When he puts me down in a random room, I look up and see Cole. I just look at him angrily, but I can't take it anymore. I start to cry and yell at him: "Why did you stop me?"

OMG, I haven't cried as many tears in a year, as I have in this day. I crash down to the floor and feel Cole's warm hands around my hips, hugging me.
It feels really nice. I feel as if time stops, when he's around.

"Is the date for tomorrow still on?" Cole asks.

I take my time and think about it for about two minutes. I know Evie wouldn't do that if I was the one in the hospital.

This will be hard, but... "No."
I see anger and sadness in his eyes. I'm probably the only girl that's turned him down.

He lets go of me, gets up and leaves the room.
Weird, I thought that he would be wondering why. But no... He left.

I quickly get up, look at my reflection in the mirror and almost scream at the sight of my face. My mascara is all over my face, my blush is smudged and under my eyes, there are huge circles.
Oh God, I hope I have my purse with me. I can't see it.
No! I left it in the kitchen. So, I'll have to slip out of this room without anyone noticing.

I get to the kitchen, grab my purse and run back to the room I was in.


When I come home, I hear noises and loud screams. I quickly get in and see my mom, covered in blood, and above her my father with a belt in his hand.
When he sees me, something flashes in his eyes.

I don't know what it was in his eyes, but because of everything that's happened today, I go crazy.
I quickly open the safe behind a painting and pull out a gun.

I threaten him: "If you don't get out of the house in a minute, I'm calling the police!"

He lifts his hands up in the air and says something, he never should: "Hunny, calm down, it's no big deal."

I immediately respond: "No, of course not! My alcoholic father returned, beat up my mom and my best friend Evie is in a hospital in a coma! So if you don't get out right now, I'll do something I'll regret!"

Carl grabs his phone and leaves. It's weird, he even remember his phone when he's nearly dead drunk.

(I didn't say this yet, but he comes frequently and beats my mom up.)

I run to the bathroom, fill up a bowl with warm water and grab a sponge.

When I come downstairs, I clean mom's wounds for the hundredth time in my life and take her to her bedroom, put her cover over her.

When I come to the room of my 7 year old little brother, I slowly open the door and see him sit in a corner, with his legs bent and as close to his body as possible. He always sits like that when he hears mom's screams.

"I'm scared of him", he says. I hug him and say: "So am I."

We fall asleep together on the floor, both in tears...

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