The Victory Party - Part Two

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Evie's POV

I've been dancing with Tim for the past 4 minutes. I still can't believe he asked me if I wanted to dance with him.

It's like the best thing that's ever happened to me!

He's the only boy I've ever had a crush on.

"Evie, we have to leave as soon as possible!" Charlotte said as she walked up to me and Tim.

I looked at Tim and he nodded. I smiled at him gratefully.

Then Charlotte grabbed me by my arm and dragged me out of the house.

"You won't believe what just happened to me!" she said, "Josh kissed me and Cole pulled him off of me and hit him."

"And what happened next?" I asked.

"Um, I ran away and started looking for you." she replied.

"Oh, and what... I think I'll go back to the party." I said.

Cole was standing behind her, looking at me with a leave-us-alone kind of look.

I hurried through the door back to the party, and watched how the situation unfolds, through the window.
They're just talking.

What should I do now?

Someone touched my shoulder.  I turned around and saw Will Lahey.

...Wow, what is he doing here?

"Hi, Evie. What are you thinking about?" Will asked me.

Um, what should I say to him?

"About what's going on outside.." I told him.

"And what is it, that's going on outside?" He asked me, looking at me in a way that made shivers go down my spine.
I was so uncomfortable.

"My best friend is talking to one of your teammates and I left, so they could have some privacy... Conversations are an important part of being human."

Ugh, this is so EMBARRASSING! I'm so stupid!

"Cool, cool. You're right, Evie. And you're really smart... And pretty... And sexy..."

"Do you want me to go on?" Will asked.

I was so ashamed, because of what I said earlier, and uncomfortable, because of what he was saying now. And, how does he even know my name?

I smiled at him and quietly answered:
"No, but thanks for the... compliments.."

Then I looked around the room to see if I could find Tim. I saw him at the table that he and his friends shared.

I looked at Will.
"I have to go now, thanks for the compliments again.."
As soon as I finished talking, I walked away from him. I walked quickly, but not too quickly, so it wouldn't seem like I was trying to get away from him.. even though I was.

I got closer to Tim's table and froze. What was I supposed to do?
He was like the most handsome guy I've ever seen.

The anxiety I was feeling became so strong that I started having an anxiety attack. I started hyperventilating and then everything went black. I felt my head hit the floor.

Then I heard voices. It was Tim, Will, Samantha, Jessica.. and then Cole and Charlotte came... then I heard some others, whose voices I couldn't recognize.

Then I heard my dad. He was working on a night shift nearby, so when Charlie called him, while someone else was calling the ambulance, he left work right away, to be by my side. And then I heard the sirens.
I suppose they were loud but to me they sounded distant. Everything and everyone I heard before, started sounding distant.
I felt the last bits of my consciousness drifting away...

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