The Devil In Your Eyes

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Tae: I got a few joints to share, be ready in ten. [10:37pm]

As soon as the notification appeared at the top of the screen you grinned. There was nothing you needed more right now than to smoke with your best friend.

Rolling off of your bed, you surveyed the clothes you'd originally planned on sleeping in, a dark grey oversized t-shirt that just barely reached your mid thighs, the 'Thrasher' logo printed in flames across your chest. Deciding that you did, indeed, feel too lazy to change, you left your outfit as is and slipped into your tattered black converse. Other than that, you didn't change a thing about yourself; you never felt the need to dress up for your best friend. The last thing you did before leaving your dorm was grab your phone and keys; then you were outside, waiting by the curb for Taehyung's beloved Mercedes to come into view. He was in front of you just minutes later with an easy smirk plastered on his lips, pleased you were able to climb into the car right away, rather than making him wait.

"There's my Babygirl," he announced, making you giggle airily.

"Hey, Daddy," you replied in the same happy chirp, and by your side you could hear him let out a small exhale of amusement through his nose.

You and Taehyung had a very special friendship. It was a few years ago now, back when you were both seniors in high school, that you met. Admittedly, the initial attraction was purely physical. Taehyung was a godly looking man with the personality that you'd kill for more people to have. Though, at the time, you were forced to keep things platonic thanks to your, now ex, boyfriend. You were taken back then, not to mention Taehyung was a fuckboy. You both soon grew comfortable with your, usually, sexually driven banter, knowing that there was chemistry you'd never lose for each other.

"Wow, did you dress up all for me?" His eyes fluttered back over to you from the road ahead as he reached out a hand to pinch your chin endearingly. "You didn't have to," he cooed.

"You wish I did," you scoffed. "Try dressing down. I was about to get into bed before your annoying ass hit me up." You were only mildly annoyed by the idea of losing precious sleep, though, Taehyung and a couple of blunts were worth the sacrifice.

"Oooh," he sung suddenly. "Do you sleep with panties on or do you like to go nude? I can already see you're lacking a bra," he pointed out blatantly, pulling onto the road that lead to the lakeside.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" You smirked to yourself as you scooted down further into the seat and kicked your feet up onto the dash.

"You have no idea," he muttered, eyes intent on the brightly illuminated sandy path just a few feet ahead. "So, do you wear cute little boxer shorts or are you more of a sexy-lace-panties-to-bed type of girl?"

You scrunched your face up in disgust at the idea of the latter. Gross.

"You have any idea how uncomfortable lace Brazilian boxers are to sleep in?" You lolled your head over to look at him as he chuckled.

Taehyung knew just about everything there was to know about you. He knew every hardship you'd suffered; he knew your deepest fantasies, all the way down to your favourite style of lingerie and underwear. He had been the one to console you after your breakup, he'd even seen you cry. Most people didn't understand your friendship, but it was special; like talking to another you. Nothing was off limits, which meant you'd heard every one of his embarrassing blunders (of which there were many) in turn. You knew his wildest dreams and that he'd once hooked up with one of your mutual college friends, Jimin, to explore his sexuality. No limits meant no limits and you both loved that.

"I guess not, so that leaves you either naked in my passenger seat, or in a cute little pair of boy shorts," he teased, pulling up into the empty parking area.

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